


1 year, 19 days ago
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 He/They He/They, 19 yr old, neko


Thelis and his twin sister Thea grew up in a small town that was known for its sugary treats and delectable desserts. Their parents were skilled bakers themselves, and they passed their love for baking and sweets on to their children. It was always a special treat for Thelis and Thea to eat their parents' delicious creations. As they got older, they started to help out in the kitchen and learned the art of baking from their parents. They experimented with different flavors and ingredients, and soon they were making up their own unique recipes and treats.
As they grew up, Thelis and Thea's bond over baking and sweets grew stronger


He can never resist a delicious brownie or cake and has a knack for creating delicious desserts. 

He also has a passion for baking and is always learning new recipes and techniques.

He loves to share his creations with friends and family, and he has a reputation as the go-to dessert maker in his social group. 

Thelis was born with a sweet tooth, and he has always enjoyed experimenting with different desserts and treats. He is a creative and inventive cook, always looking for new ways to combine flavors and ingredients.