









Just A Little Kitty



Just a cat who wants to play with you. Would you accept the invitation?


PLAYTIME was created with the love and joy of a child’s birthday gift. A yellow stuffed cat. It almost seemed as if the two were best friends — an unbreakable bond. Over the months, soon enough when that child slowly drifted away from PLAYTIME, it was left alone in a dark cramped toy box with multiple other toys that were forgotten. Collecting dust and soon wearing out…

After what seemed like a few years of waiting in that toybox, PLAYTIME woke up in an unfamiliar place, with a body they’d never seen before. It seems as if all of the toys fused to create one ‘mega’ toy. However, despite all that’s happened… PLAYTIME still was alone in a world they were not familiar with... (They somehow no chipped into the back rooms. LEVEL FUN to be exact.)



  • Playing with YOU
  • Birthday cake
  • Colourful Balloons
  • Confetti


  • Playgoers
  • Bright lights
  • Sour smells
  • Water


  • It doesn’t communicate via actual human words, only meowing or using building blocks to spell out words. Their able to spit up blocks with their multiple mouths. Their meows sound echoed as if many cats were meowing at different points.
  • It doesn’t truthly understand the full concept of “playing nice”. Often being aggressive with children and adults alike, in many cases does PLAYTIME accidently kill someone. (ex. Dragging someone under the ball pit and suffocating them.)
  • PLAYTIME roams LEVEL FUN. You can hear them approaching up to 10 feet away, move quickly as they are fast but also make sure to watch your surroundings. When Kitty is near the surrounding area smells like funfetti cake mix and musty old cardboard box. A sound of an exploding partypopper goes off if PLAYTIME has found you.
  • It eats any partygoers that it comes across, just because it does this doesn’t mean you are automatically safe. LEVEL FUN is still an extremely dangerous level. However, it’s rare for this to happen since partygoers usually stay away from PLAYTIME when it’s near. They eat anything they deem as ‘colorful & edible’, it is advised to remove anything neon, warm, or brightly colored (attire wise).


Adrenaline Friend | Caretaker

There isnt much to describe about their friendship, Adrenaline takes care of PLAYTIME as if the cat were a pet. Being one of the only beings willing to play with them and be it’s friend. :33.

Buddy best friend :33

SILLY FRIENDS, they love having playdates with each other. One of PLAYTIME’s favorite game to play with Buddy is Hide ‘n’ go seek. PLAYTIME usually likes to be the seeker. :33

NAME Relationship

Describe their relationship here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.