Basic Info










Rolla Koopa


October 7


Age: 15

Gender/pronouns: She/Her

Species: Rolla Koopa

family: Sister of Val

Friends: Bug and frenemies with Lolly

Relationship: None, but might have a crush on Bug

Pepper is very bubbly, energetic, always busy and really determined. She loves roller skating and spends most of her days doing so and practicing. She is very sweet and friendly as well, enjoying the company of others, especially her brother Val! She is very clingy to her brother even though she never really listens to his concerns about her being too dangerous with her skating sometimes. Her biggest dream is to become part of the Rolla Koopa Derby, but she is too young and too under skilled to do so, which is why she is so keen on practicing all the time! Besides skating, she also loves to make beaded necklaces and bracelets to trade with friends or just make as gifts for friends and Val! She doesn't give up easily and usually hides any scratches and scuffs with stickers.

She pretty much grew up in Bowsers castle with her older brother Val, mostly being raised by Val as well. She has always had a love of being active and having fun outside no matter the weather. She has been determined from a very young age to be well known around the castle for her skills, which she is far from it but very hopeful. She loves making friends and spending time with them, almost always taking them to skateparks to have picnics or just stay with them and watch movies or play games. She sees herself as a frenemy towards Lolly, though its mostly just fun and games because they like to argue over who loves the color pink the most. Friendly banter is common between Pepper and her friends! She also would love to be friends with the current members of the Rolla Koopa Derby but is too scared to make the wrong impression or that she will be laughed at by them, since to her they seem rather intimidating. Her brother is always making sure she is okay, getting annoyed that she covers her scratches and cuts from the pavement with stickers when that's what Band-Aids are for. She just thinks Band-Aids look too tacky. Pepper is also really good about hyping others up as well, if she notices someone random or a friend unsure of something, she tries to get them to test their limits or go outside of their comfort zone to try new things! She has tried to teach Bug how to skate multiple times, but it never ends well. They just get drinks and snacks afterwards.


  • She tends to have a very squeaky voice; most think its super cute.

  • Loves wearing sweaters! Big cozy ones that are too big for her especially.

  • If not wearing her skates, she is usually just wearing socks.

  • Loves to gossip, but it's never really harmful gossip.

  • Watches Anime

  • She likes scrapbooking and documenting her progress for all of her goals!

  • Gets really sad if away from her brother for too long.

Voice Claim: TBD

Song: TBD