Wrath ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙



8 months, 8 days ago

Basic Info

Pending art



Stage Name




September 23


Blue Whale

Lead Guitar + Backup Vocal





Kio Graves, usually people call him Kio, is the leader of a band called Wh4le, also 19 years old being born on September 23rd. He specializes in playing the electric guitar, though he can also sing and is the backup vocal too! He’s a cunning and smug guy, which is what made him so popular in every school he went too.

He currently goes to a school called Merovia, which is the most famous talent school full of many stars. His school life is pretty easy for him, he’s always been able to socialize and make friends easily, and especially since his band is the #1 band in all of Merovia!









  • Sweets
  • Piercings
  • Fan Edits


  • Sea Food
  • Math
  • Insects

Kio has a big big sweet tooth, though he usually hides it. Whenever they would go out, he’d skip the main meals and eat dessert and sweets, and somehow still have pearly white teeth..

He’s also really flirty, whenever he meets his fans he always manages to rizz them up and do really corny and cringy pickup lines (but they love that). He’s a big prankster, and always pranking Aes and Eve and making jokes towards them.

His humor is really literal, but half the time actually funny. He makes dad jokes 50% of the time and Aes laughs at every joke of his. When Kio laughed with Nyx, they are both very violent and start smacking each other and everyone around them.

Kio is street smart, but academically really stupid. His worst subject is math, but he’s horrible at every subject except music. Aes has to tutor him but he wouldn’t get anything and Eve has to dumb it down for him so he could somehow understand. He failed getting into the same college as the other 3, so Eve’s parents had to pay and bribe the school so he could get in.



Kio Graves, son of an elf and blue whale. His father was an elf, he never once got to meet him though. His mother never told him much about his father.

Kio’s father, Loki, was the son of the highest ranked elf in his homeland. Elf clans are usually very strict, not allowing mixed race marriages due to their long lifespan and having to pass down responsibilities but Loki didn’t think too much of it. He left to Merovia, the land of entertainment, since he had a natural talent and it was like he was born to be the #1 star in Merovia. He never thought he’d find anyone he’d fall in love with, since elves have a hard time feeling any romantic feelings.

Kio’s mother, Eilyia, was also a top idol. She was a model for her pretty looks, but had to quit due to her illness. Loki and Eilyia eventually crossed paths and had your normal shoujo/kdrama love story! Though it wasn’t very long lasted… soon after Kio was born Loki was forcibly taken back to his homeland to take over his father. Kio never had a relationship with Loki due to this.

His mother though, was always a happy woman, she cared for Kio up until the age of 10. She was the best mother he could ever ask for, she fulfilled both the mother and father role. Eventually, his mother succumbed to a terminal illness, knowing Kio had always loved music, she left behind a guitar. This instrument became Kio's most prized possession, he wouldn’t dare let anything happen to it.

Even though Kio had an amazing mother, right after she passed he completely switched. He always put down others, acted tough, and was very popular due to his looks. He’d always play girls and dumped them when he got bored of them. He’d bully anyone weaker than him, and anyone he didn’t like. He liked when people feared him. He wanted to feel stronger than others, I mean that’s what his mom said… right? To be strong. Or maybe, he got the wrong message and lost himself in the process.

Starting middle school, he’d become very popular very quickly. I mean, he was handsome, could play the guitar, tall, and was flirty to all the girls! Well, since he was popular, his ego grew. But also his fear of being found out he had no family left. Kio would always prioritize what others thought of him over anything, and never had the chance to grow attachment to anybody. Every person in his life just came and went, he never really had any close friends or felt any love towards anything but music.

There was one kid though that left an impression on him unlike the others, Aes. Aes was your typical nerdy kid, but he didn’t admire Kio or treat him like a cool popular kid, Aes treated Kio as if he was just the same as other kids. Kio, though, didn’t really like that… since he was used to everyone liking and idolizing him so much in school and in his neighborhood. That led to Kio and his crew always picking on Aes in school, Kio would make Aes the center of the jokes at times but his friends would take it too far and Kio would just stand and watch. He didn’t want to seem like a loser standing up for him, a boy his friends considered a loser.

The Band

During highschool, he'd soon meet the lead singer of wh4le, Nyx. They met through a mutual friend and became great friends the second they met each other, as they both had many similar interests. One being they wanted to create a band, so they went around the school looking for a bassist and eventually recruited and found Eve. The drummer, Aes, came later on as he had no interest in learning the drums… but it seems like he had a natural talent for playing the drums and thus Wh4le was formed.

He’d really come to love his band mates, which was a bit unusual for him, as he never saw himself getting attached to anybody after having nobody left in his family, and him being an elf. But Wh4le, to him, was his family. He hadn’t known them for long, but they’ve already started to change him for the better.

As the saying goes, a tiger never loses it stripes, it was hard for Kio to get rid of his old habits. He’d commonly get into arguments with his band since he never really liked working together or had any close relationships with people. When he did argue with them he’d not go to school for days or even weeks, since he wasn’t used to apologizing and acknowledging he was in the wrong due to his life in middle school. Though deep down, he knew he was in the wrong, he distanced himself from them in arguments since he really didn’t want to lose them.


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  • Has a sweet tooth, he isn't proud of it but he stuffs his face with sweets half the time and skips main meals (somehow still has pearly whites)
  • A FUCKING DUMBASS AT MATH. Eve's parents has to bribe his college and pay them a lot to let him in the same college as the others
  • He unintentional makes grossed out, judgy faces when someone does something weird. And he still wonders why some are intimidated by him
  • He's an orphan (🙁) so he has like 50 grandmas and grandpas because he is popular in his neighborhood since he always stayed over at their places when he was young. Little young christian girls have a crush on him
  • Actually popular?!? On social media and in school!!! Half his comments are people simping for him and the other half are his hundreds of grandparents and friends commenting
  • He makes really REALLY REALLY unfunny and bad jokes... the only one laughing is Aes -- also hes a violent laugher with nyx and they just start brawling when they laugh lol
  • He randomly breaks into Eve's house and snacks on her sweets and food -- she's also the only one who knows his sweet tooth secret since he drags her to buy candy with him because shes rich
  • Really unathletic, but really lucky when playing sports and always manages to win somehow when he doesn't try


Havoc (Eve) [ Bully Victim (unrelated little sister) ]

What’s up with this girl’s rags?? OH-AHEM. Eve.. she’s pretty easy to annoy. (In a good way)! She’s basically like a little sister, since I stay over at her place a lot and her parents treat me like their own, anyways, when I tell you the look on her face when I found out and showed everyone her cosplay account?!? that’s unforgettable! I have to thank her for spoiling me with sweets, even though I force her to…

Lucia (Nyx) [ His 2nd Half (gangs up on aes and eve) ]

Nyx? Eh.. she’s pretty talented..! Pains me to admit it because she doesn’t act like it. Whenever I make jokes, she just stares at me. What’s up with that? Don’t get it, Aes laughs pretty hard at them. Well anyways, it’s pretty funny how I always photobomb her selfies yet she never notices since she’s only focused on her tits and how they look… Oh — and her relationship with Eve is really cute, we team up on her a lot which is funny I guess

Evil (Aes) [ Best Friend (dumbass) ]

Aes? You wanna know about this loser? Well… he may look cool now, but once you get to know him he’s a total loser. To be honest, back in middle school I only talked to him since he di-helped me with my homework and stuff… well I’m not a total ass now — we’re friends! I still remember him coming back from the summer and getting a total glow up, he looked like a thug and I didn’t even recognize him for a week
