


9 months, 15 days ago



Full Name: Fritz 'Friz' Gonzalez

Gender: Nonbinary (AFAB)

- They love to read books and stay at the local coffee shop to do their homework or just to pass the time.

- They are currently in college.

- They love collecting pins to decorate their bags and the occasional jacket.

- They wear elastic laces because it is easier for them to take off and put on their shoes

- They are half German half Mexican

- Their mother got very sick while pregnant with Friz, and so they are considered a miracle baby by their parents and loved dearly.

- They were born with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, resulting in them unable to move their left leg, and epilepsy. As a result, they were often bullied for their name and disability in middle school, resulting in their best friend Chiquita starting numerous fights with said bullies and a multitude of parent-teacher conferences involving their very angry parents, contrite teachers, and petulant children getting detention (unfairly both Chiquita and the bullies would get detention: Chiquita for starting fights instead of getting the teacher, and the bullies for being bullies).

- Chiquita often comes over early in the morning to do Friz's hair, now that they're both in college. Before college, Friz's mother would do it, and Chiquita would watch enviously.