Dezlen Hoppok



8 months, 7 days ago


My first DnD character!

He/Him, 5', Age: 20

Dezlen is a lighthearted, but easily flustered, Harengon from Neverwinter Wood. He's always had an affinity for wild creatures and would often sneak out at night to play with the ones that lurked around his village. The village did get travelers and merchants from time to time, though, and Dezlen grew an interest in the arts when one traveler was spotted painting outside of the village. At 17, he left to pursue an education on art under a guild master and has spent 3 years quickly climbing the ranks.

He has a love of dragons and wants to make the best dragon painting in the world!

He carries leather armor, an explorer's pack, and a Painter's Guild badge. I forgot to draw the badge. :v)

His weapons:

- Shortsword

- Longbow

Lives in Helm's Hold, as an in-between so he's close to his secluded home village in Neverwinter Wood, and the Guild Hall in Neverwinter.

Inner ears match the color of his paw pads. Also, paw pads are optional!