Atticus Aethelwyne



9 months, 6 days ago


Atticus Aethelwyne

  • Name Atticus Aethelwyne
  • Age 500+
  • Gender wifeguy
  • Pronouns He/him
  • Sexuality his wife
  • Personality

    Atticus is a polite man who can be a little judgemental, yet he hides it all behind a kind tone and nice words.

    Very loving, such a wifeguy, loves his wife will not shut up about his wife.
  • Appearance

    He has luna moth wings and antennae, and a large scar that stretches from his face to his chest. He has a wedding ring made for him by his wife, Faye.

  • Likes his wife
  • Dislikes getting dirty
  • Backstory

    Atticus became fey through the love of his wife, who was already fey. They were in a bit of trouble after that, since she was not supposed to do this. They're on the run now, trying to find a way to both remain fey and stay together.

    He did die, once. It didnt last long, as those he was adventuring with used a powerful spell and sacrificed a magical item to bring him back to life. But it did traumatize him just a little bit.

  • Trivia
    • ● He had a lot of curses.
    • ● He manages a girl band.
    • ● He had to marry another man to please a fey queen. That was a fun conversation with his wife.