Ritter (Fallout 3 AU)



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Late 20's


Neutral Evil



Ritter was taken as a slave into the Pitt. Unable to deal with the conditions, he entered the Hole and made his way to the top through ruthless bloodshed. He was never a violent man before the Pitt; he was a man of science, but the experience changed him, although his ultimate plan was to escape one day. Unfortunately, his time as a raider in Lord Ashur's kingdom was short-lived, as he quickly began exhibiting symptoms of the troglodyte degeneration contagion.

He was exiled to the steelyard. His descent into wildman happened fast and a combination of terror and indignation drove him to become top dog. He struggled to keep a hold on his sanity, and thinks he has done well for himself despite being fully aware of his disease. What he does not realize is that he has largely forgotten his past life and has become wrapped up in delusions of what never was, in particular the fairy tale that he was once engaged.

The Lone Wanderer arrives at the Pitt with his companions. In a near-death fight with Anthen, Ritter falls several stories and tries to catch himself on the way down, only succeeding in completely shredding his palms on some old steel structures. When he wakes up to see his hands, ripped open and gory, he believes that all of his blood and organs will escape through these wounds unless he keeps them wrapped up.

He manages to escape on the tailwind of the Lone Wanderer's exit of the Pitt and follows him back to the Wasteland, wanting a taste of freedom and revenge on the side.


Ritter is friendly, talkative, gentlemanly and frank about himself. He likes to joke and grins like a wolf. He puts on no airs about what he is or what's wrong with him, and allows people to react as they please. Harming and killing is as natural as breathing so having to defend himself doesn't make Ritter bat an eye. Despite the periods of calm and even cooperation he can offer to others, turning back into 'animalistic sadist' is like flipping a switch. He seems to pity himself for what he's lost and how he is suffering from the TDC, but there is nothing to be done about it, after all.

He takes his delusion about his hands very seriously and will fly into a frenzy at anyone threatening to remove the bandages.