WIP shark girl



8 months, 8 days ago


She's kinda a lot, firstly she's really proud of the fact that she's a shark owning lots of shark themed items her main outfit she wears is a shark themed and this is the really the only thing she will wear even though she owns a whole closet of different things she will only wear shark related outfits. Though she does like other sea creatures she has a keychain of an orca gifted to her by her gf she also owns some fish and spiny naiad plants that she's surprisingly good at taking care of.

She enjoys going to arcades, having most of the top scores on the machines and she really likes sodas she fills her fridge with different kinds and calls her gf at 4am to come taste test new drinks. Her favorite stuff animal is a blahaj kind of stuffy that she will bring on vacations or to a restaurants (she orders food for it too)

When she's feeling alot of one emotion her tail will wag vigorously though usually when she's really excited or angry. Prob sleeps in a shark bed or something

Unemployed was previously worked at a pet shop but was let go after eating a fish

She will either wear white tennis shoes or be barefoot

also messed up pagedoll oops gunna use old one for now pagedollshark.png?ex=657a7248&is=6567fd4