


6 years, 3 days ago




Full Name: Brunhart Frasch
DOB:  April 23, 1373 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human/Wandering Immortal
Height: 6'6" / 200 cm
Weight:  280 lbs / 127 kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light Auburn
Skin color: Fair, weathered from age


Brunhart is even-tempered and incredibly supportive to those he cares about, though that circle is rather limited. He is prone to becoming obsessively vengeful if someone were to harm one of his loved ones. He was quick to take Albtraum in as his son upon meeting him, and loves him more than anything in the whole world. He takes joy in providing for and protecting those closest to him, and becomes intensely anxious and frustrated if he feels he is unable to do so. Around those he does not know well, he is stern and gruff.


Nationality: German
Birthplace: Germany
Titles/Occupation: Lord Captain of the Sylvan Guard


Physical Disabilities/ Disorders/ Diseases: - None
Mental Disabilities/ Disorders:- PTSD


Albtraum - Adoptive son
Anya - Wife
Millie - Daughter

Brunhart was born to a poor farming family, the youngest of many children. His siblings had long since grown up and left their parents; he never met a single one of them. Ever since Brunhart was a young boy, he wanted nothing more than to have a family and children of his own.

Brunhart's father often beat his wife and children, drank to excess, and caused trouble in the village. He was universally hated by the townspeople; his own family was terrified of him. Brunhart's relationship with his mother was lukewarm at best, but the two of them were all they had in the face of the father's abuse. One day, the man went too far, killing his wife. Brunhart was old enough at this point to overpower his father in his drunken state, killing him with a kitchen knife and dragging his body to the woods to be eaten by crows.

With nowhere else to go, Brunhart stayed on the farm, managing it himself. The villagers gave him a wide berth, whispers of his father's sudden disappearance remaining common gossip for many years to come. Brunhart was quiet, and kept to himself. The small farm provided everything he needed to sustain himself and he had no need to associate with any of the villagers.
A young woman, Anya, began visiting him often. After the death of her ailing father, she found herself lonely and in need of help, and she was drawn to the stern, silent man who lived on the outskirts of the village. Brunhart's gruff manner was not enough to dissuade her, and the two eventually fell in love and married. Brunhart had never been happier than his time with Anya, and when she became pregnant he was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father.  

One day, wandering mercenaries came to the village as they were on their way to their next job on the battlefield. They happened to see Brunhart defending a villager in a barfight. Impressed with his combat skills, they offered him a position with their company. Brunhart turned them down, saying he was expecting a child and could not afford to leave his pregnant wife alone to tend the farm.
The men seemed to be understanding and left. However, later that night they returned to the village, dragged Brunhart and his wife from their beds, and murdered her in front of him. Believing that he would want to join the mercenary companies without the obligation of a family, they again offered him a position, but he refused again and attempted to fight back against them. They killed him as well.

Brunhart, anguished from the loss of the life that had brought him out of the darkness of his early days and consumed with a need for revenge, was unable to cross to the afterlife from the Vale of the Dead. Necros sent his soul back, resurrecting him as a Wandering Immortal.

When Brunhart awoke, Anya was dead. In desperation, he attempted to cut his child from her corpse, but it had been hours; the child had died with her.

With nothing left for him in the village, Brunhart took up a sword. He became a lone mercenary, and spent the years tracking down the men who had killed his family. It took many decades, and they had retired by the time he found them, but he tracked down every last man and killed them. 

Life was empty for Brunhart after that, but he continued whiling away his days with mercenary work. He gained a fearsome reputation as a merciless beast who would not die. He was eventually hired by a young king to kill a retired seneschal, who he feared had too much information that could be harmful in the wrong hands.

The seneschal, of course, was Joaquin Harlan. By the time Brunhart tracked him down, he had already made an alliance with Mianna Skyroko, Queen of Sylva. Mianna offered Brunhart a choice: to die by her hand, or serve her. Brunhart made his decision and joined Mianna's guard force. Eventually, he climbed the ranks to become Captain of the Guard.

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