DND| Blossom



9 months, 20 days ago


Age: 26

Gender: cis-female(she/her)

Species: Dragon born

Status: alive

Sexuality: Lesbian

Class: Barbarian

Birthday: April 3

Relationship: Mama chicken and 6 chick siblings

Appearance: She’s a 6’4 tall pastel dragon born. She wears a leather blue gloves, slip on shoes and sweetheart neckline dress with side slits that is showing cleavage.

Personality: Blossom is known as the tough and scary looking dragon born in her village. She is fierce, confident, and often headstrong. When you first get to meet her she has an icy personality, but once you warm up to her, she's the sweetest and funniest to hang out with

Backstory: when she was an egg her original mother sadly lost her, but somehow she got into a chicken nest, when she hatched she was raised by a big chicken mama who gladly accepted blossom as one of hers owns but sadly, blossom village see her as a freak, because surprise the village are full of different bird species. Thankfully blossom has six amazing chick siblings who defended and protected her from others negative words. Blossom loves her family very much and would do anything for them but soon as she came to realize that her strength is much more stronger than her family. She’s a bit clumsy and would accidentally break things until her mother told blossom that she can go on an adventure with a party that they would probably need blossom more than her, since her strength is just that amazing as she is.

So then Blossom is on her way to find the perfect party to be around with who would love her as a dragon born just like her family did when she first hatched.

Other information/fun fact

she would lay down by a cherry blossom tree and sleeps while the cherry blossoms falls on her

She got the axe from her family when she was about to go on her adventures she didn’t remove the bow on her axe because she thought it was a part of it

Some guys would ask her out but she declines any offer of her being in a relationship with a man

she loves eating any type of food, and would probably eat anything that will make her more stronger but one food she refused to eat is chicken

her voice claim is abbey bominable monster high