


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

full name

Karlia Rhadadad






Veren the baby gryphon

Best friend

Greyson Turnpike


 -A normal life-

-Karlia was born to a medium income family in a small town named silvermore in the the craige forrest about four hours on horseback from Neverwinter..Her mother was a doctor and her father was actuary. 

-Her life was rather uneventful if not a little boring for a while, until a new family, the turnpikes, moved into the house next her family's land. 

-This family consisted of two fathers and their three children, a 15 year old daughter, a 13 year son, and a seven year old baby boy. 

-Her and the seven year-grayson nicknamed grey- quickly hit it off and became thick as thieves.He was a much shyer, softer boy compared to her fiery nature and she pulled him into all of her hijenks. They would pull all kinds of pranks on the other citizens of the town, getting in trouble quite often.

-Amanda- the daughter- became like a sister to her, whereas Grey's older brother, Travisen, was the cooler aloof sibling that she admired. She spent as much time with the turnpikes as she did with her own family. 

-The little Alchemist-

-When she was 12 Travisen gave her an alchemist kit for her birthday, and promised to teach some simple stuff. 

- He was surprised to find that she was some sort of prodigy(my feat lol) with a talent for learning. He Brought over his older textbooks and started to give her tutoring sessions, teaching her every thing that he could. She loved the attention as well as knowing all this new information. She enjoyed all of the subjects in a passive sort of way, but nothing spoke to her like alchemy.

-Grayson who was 10 at the the time, was very jealous that his best friend was being taken away from him from his point of view, and not knowing how to deal with it he started to shun the two of them. This went on for a few weeks until he snuck out from his parents view right before one of their tutor sessions.

-He followed them to the Shed where the conducted alchemy lessons, and watched them from the loft where he had hidden. Karlia made a successful experiment and Trav praised her and ruffled her hair, causing her to smile widely. 

- Seeing this Grey tried to get up to put a stop to his best friend and his brother bonding without him, but tripped and fell from the loft onto the table. When he hit the table, he knocked over an very weak lightning damage potion onto Karlias left arm and chest, causing here to cry due to the pain and greyson seeing her cry started to cry because he hurt his friend. There were no magical healers that they could take her to, so she still has the scars from that incident.

-Tragic Backstorytm time -

-Around one year later, her parents started to get into some financial problems, (which is weird because they had seemingly lucrative jobs?), having her stay over at the Turnpikes more and more often. She often saw strange men and women going to and from her home. 

-Curious about these people she recruited grayson to help her sneak out of his house during one of the nights they had a “sleepover” -which was most days of the weeks now- and into her own house to out what was happening at her home that had started to feel less like a home

-In the dark of the night, they snuck out of the house with no problem. When they came up to the family room window, they crouched down and peeked in. 

-In the family room there is a large table with weird looking items on it. On one side of the table Karlia’s parents are standing looking nervous. On the other side, there are a few scary looking men and women of a variety of races. A big orc seem to be appraising the items, picking up a oval object and turning it over all while conversing in an unknown language with the other strangers.

-Her and grey wanted a closer look, so they snuck over to her room window and climbed in, trying to be as quiet as they could. They snuck back over to the living room that was now empty. They stayed frozen in the hallway for a while, terrified the people would come back into the room. After a while the curiosity took over Karlia’s caution meter and she snuck into the room up to the table.

-The table was covered in what looked like animal parts, feathers, teeth, a giant scorpian tail, and a few eggs in different locations.Karlia was instantly drawn to a single smaller egg on the front of the table and picked it up. It was warm and familiar almost, and she hid it in her coat.

-They heard voices getting louder and not wanting to get caught, both of them went back to her room and left through the window. While they were leaving they knocked over a bunch of shit and they could hear shouting from her house as they ran back to Greys house.

-They went back to sleep thinking nothing of what they did. Around the next evening when the Turnpikes were dropping off Karlia, they realized that the house had been ransacked, things strewn everywhere, the door broken in. The turnpikes told Karlia to wait in the family room while they looked around. Karlia didn’t listen,she was scared and confused and  wanted to find her parents. She went to her parents bedroom and screamed as soon as she saw her parents bloody corpses.

-She went to live with the Turnpikes for the next four years. Amanda had moved out a while ago, and she took her room.

-Growing up montage-

-She carried the egg with her everywhere, seeing it as both a connection to her parents as well as guilt making her try to at least take care of the thing she stole that might have caused their death.A few month after her parents death, a dwarf (It only grows to a medium creature) snowy gryphon hatched out of the egg. It immediatly imprinted onto her and the two were inseparable. She named the gryphon him varen, and attempted to find out some information about his species, but it was almost impossible to find anything other than myths and legends, at least not in her town or the trade town. By the time the campaign starts he’s the size of a savannah cat,about 1 and a half feet tall, normal cat length.

-When she was 15, her sorcerer traits started to show its presence. She was playing with grey in the woods,when she was “fighting” him a poison spray randomly came out from her hand, luckily just nearly missing grey and only getting on his cloak. They immediately stopped what they were doing and went to find travien( who was now an artificter subclass of the wizard class) who owned an enchanting shop in the Neverwinter.. He was surprised but happy to see them, and became even more proud when he found out that Karlia had innate magic abilities and offered to help guide her with the most basics of magic. She accepted and over the next couple of years her and greyson would got Neverwinter to visit Trav once a week for training.Grey ended up learning how to be a rogue from one of Trav’s friend carlti, the two of them having joint training sessions when they could. During this time she learned how to control her magic,and only had a wild magic spike every few months afterwards. 

-As cliche as it is, as they grew older, Karlia and grey developed feelings for each other. The rest of the town was both amused and frustrated to see the two of them dance around each other for years, and had bets over if they’d get together.

-At 17, she decided to move back into her old family home- which was left to her in her parents will-When she was nearing her 19th birthday, she became almost obsessed with alchemy and attempted to learn the master level and pretty dangerous potions/ make her own potion When and started to pull away from everyone, including grey and Trav.

-Tragic Backstorytm 2: electric boogaloo- 

-Grey gave her some space for a few weeks, but after being spurned away when ever he tried to talk to her, he decided to wait until she was in her house hiding from everyone to confront her.

- He sees her in her old room mixing a bunch of ingredients together with a cauldron and other alchemy tools, furiously reading a book on the table ans she mixes. There are already finished potions with corks on them put into two different groups. Lost in her own world she doesn’t notice he’s there until he clears his throat. She jumps in response,but luckily didn’t drop anything, and puts the cauldron on the burner,but lowering the temperature of it. She turns around and asks what he’s doing there.

-He uncomfortably brought up the fact that she’s been avoiding him, and everyone else in the town and that's he’s worried about her. He slowly approached her and cups her face, asking her to please tell him what's wrong and how he can help. She looks around hesitantly, and then sighs and pulls him over to the table.

-She explains that she found a book in a small hole-in-the-wall bookstore that had master recipes in it including a so called time travel potion. She tells him her plan to make that potion as well as a few other so that she could go back and save her parents since it was technically her fault.  She shows grey the potions that she had completed, a strong shield potion, a few superior healing potions, a catalyst to make them more potent, as well as a few failed attempts of them. In the other group there are potions she planned to throw to use such as a grand barrier(antilife shell/ globe of invulnerability) and sleep potions.

-Grey sighed and tried to convince her that this is a bad idea, asking her how she expects to defend her parents, she only just started learning magic, and how she knows her time travel potion would take her to the right time not to mention if its safe or not. She cockily replies that she knows she can take them, and that she has a good mastery of alchemy and that her magic should be more than enough to deal with those thugs.

-He replied that there's no way he could take them, they had to have been very powerful, and that he didn’t want her to get hurt. They started arguing, getting more and more frustrated with the other, and greyson attempted to reach the book,and she panicked and casted thunderwave to get him away from the table. That was a huge mistake. Right after casting she her wild magic acted up and she got teleported to outside of the town, where she fainted.

-When she woke up, she saw that there was now what looks like  a giant dome over her town. It was transparent goldish color and through it she could see her house in the stuck in process of being destroyed into pieces, with grey stuck flying backward away from the house due to the force of the explosion. Down the main street she could see people frozen the motion of turning to look at the crash, birds stuck in mid flight, even the snow was stuck in the air unmoving.

-She  pounded on the barrier, screaming that she needed to get in to, trying her best to somehow dismiss the barrier. Her screams attracted varen,who had been deeper into the forest hunting, to her and he landed down next to her making a concerned sounding chattering noise at her. She kept trying to get in until she got too exhausted to stand, then she crumpled to the floor sobbing. Varen came over to her,leaning into her, letting her cry into his fur throughout the night.

-Fixing her mistake-

-When the morning came, she pulled herself up and made her way to Neverwinter. Trav of course was outraged/distraught but they were pretty much family as well as the only two left from the town. Things were awkward for a while, but they both vowed to fix the problem she made, and as they worked together they got back to being more comfortable and as close as they used to be.

-After a few months she got a tip that there might be something useful near wherever our campaign started. Trav couldn’t go with because of his shop, but Karlia and Varen set off towards that town. On the road she turned 20.


She lived in a small town and grew up with a boy named greyson, nicknamed grey. They were very close and his family became as much of a family as her own was. She got in trouble a lot as a kid and pulled him into her trouble making. When she was 12, Travisen, Grey’s older brother, gave her an alchemy kit and started to tutor her, causing grey to be jealous and he hid in their meeting place then fell on the kit causing Karlia to get scarred. A year later her parents got into money problems and became poachers/magical animal ingredient or parts smugglers which they kept from Karlia. Curious her and grey snuck in while they had clients, and investigated, as well as pocketing an egg they found on the goods table. They made a lot of noises when they left, and the clients thought it was a set up, panicked and killed her parents then ransacked the place looking for the super rare egg she stole.She lived with grey after that.The egg hatched a dwarf snowy griffin who is about a foot and a half tall by the time the campaign started. 

At 15 she got her magic and she went to go train the basics with Travisen, and grey trained to be a rogue by Trav’s friend. She learned to control her magic when she’s not super flustered or upset. At 18 she moved back into her old house, and at 19 she started to act suspicious so grey went to find out what wsa up. She had planned to use a recipe she found in a book to travel in time to save her parents, her and grayson get into a fight and she loses control of her magic,casting thunder wave and then teleporting out of time.Turns out the combination of her raw magic and the potions she had created a large dome over her town and time to completely have stopped inside the dome. She went to travisen who now had a shop in neverwinter and they tried to figure out how to fix what she did. She got a tip that there was something that might help near the town we started in, and she left with veren to go check it out. She had her 20th birthday alone on the road to the town.