
9 months, 17 days ago



This character contains/mentions the following themes. Please proceed with caution.

  • War
  • Unethical Deities

NAME Vynos (True name is Tierin)

AGE 90,000+

GENDER Agender (Xe/They)

SEXUALITY Unlabelled

SPECIES Deity of War


You wish to spar? I don't mind entertaining the idea.


The war god is a smart strategist, being wise, charismatic and intelligent and willing to share knowledge despite what may be expected of the title. However, being raised in a life of battle, xe have no real meaning of guilt and morals, seeing no problem with killing what's needed. Xe find it hard to emphasise with others, not feeling mortal strife.


As a god, Vynos has the ability to alter the form they present as to the world, yet tends to stick to one humanoid form. Xe can also sense energies in xir presence, being able to differentiate between people, including their species.
Xe are also proficient in any kind of weapon and have the ability of metallokinesis, being able to shift the shape, texture, density and other properties of metal to xir will.
Like the other gods in xir circle, Tierin was born With a curse. Underneath the bandages on xir eyes, xir true eyes, red scleras only interrupted with a glowing yellow cross, reside. These eyes cause Vynos to see in red, being like a bull to a matador whenever xe see anybody. For this reason, xe cover xir eyes.


Tierin was born to a circle of eight gods known as the Orius Circle, each god's title, powers and traits being granted at a young age. They were entrusted to rule over a nation and did so peacefully for several millennia as a war machine yet when clashes arose, xe gave up xir position in the circle and left to find other lands. Xe settled in many kingdoms that eventually fell and now simply wander