✩ JADE ✩



9 months, 9 days ago


If dreams can’t come true Then why not pretend?

NAME Jade Quinn
GENDER Transmale
D.O.B 1/1/04
AGE 19
PRNS He/They/Fern
SEXUALITY Gynosexual
STATUS urggg
  • Over the Garden Wall
  • Coffee shops
  • Downtown areas
  • Rain ambience
  • Cleanliness + Chores
  • Dish (genshin streamer)
  • Digital Art
  • Fast-paced things
  • Work stress
  • Shooter games/Violent games
  • Bustling areas
  • Pressure
  • Sour things
  • Bright lights

Jade Quinn is a quiet, peaceful soul who doesn't seek out loud friends, but somehow found them. He appreciates them nonetheless, but will take time to go to a coffee shop he likes or one they haven't tried yet to work on digital art and commissions.

Fern wouldn't call fernself a germophobe, just someone who likes to see a clean house. At home, it is almost always spotless. As is himself, always clean, not one speck of dirt.

  • ALWAYS HAS HEADPHONES IN. They won't hear you at first
  • Very bad eyesight, wears contacts./li>
  • Fern likes to be busy but will always make time for friends!

But where have we come? And where shall we end?


Jade Quinn never really liked his parents. They'd treat him with a sugary, almost real tone, but he knew it was fake. They didn't like how he wanted to change his pronouns, especially at such a young age. It was confusing to them, and therefore never used them. They tended to look at his older brother more, and pamper him with goodies and cool things, whereas Jade would have to buy his own items, and risk getting them taken away.

For some reason, he never wanted to change his name legally. Fern didn't want to abandon his birthname, having grown up and gone through so much with it. Leaving it would be an offense to the name. They don't care for nicknames, either. So they stuck as Jade, and confused others this way. His brother and him are.. close, but not as close as they want to be.


Jade's older brother. Fern doesn't care whether Eli continues their relationship or not, just cares about him as a whole.


A worker at a coffee shop he considers himself a local to. Fern appreciates her skill in making coffee, and the care she puts into each order. Admittedly, They have grown a liking to Eris, but doesn't know when he'll tell her.

code by hanyu