Pink Bow Zircon



9 months, 2 days ago


Pink Bow Zircon



Gem Placement

Left Shoulder

Era Made

Era 3


Defense Attorney



MoHs Scale



Got via Trade

A poor Zircon whose existence wasn’t supposed to happen. Pink Bow was made outside of the standard Pink Zircon vein, leaving her as an outcast in the court she is a part of. She works under Golden Jubilee Sulphur, the legal director for the court and the manager for all the court’s Zircons. She is the appointed defense lawyer under Golden and works alongside her partner, Blood Orange Zircon. Sadly, Pink Bow is a terrible lawyer and is unable to win a single case against Blood Orange. It also doesn’t help that they don’t stick to one type of crime, instead taking any cases left over. She is distressed in her duty and wishes more than anything to do something else. The thing she wants to do more than anything to still help others, but instead of doing it via law, is to do it via, quote “fighting the forces of evil”. To sum everything up, she wishes to be a magical girl, a sort of savior for gems so they don’t have to suffer her same fate, but that isn’t going to happen, ever.

I swear, the forces of evil are causing my suffering.

- Pink Bow Zircon

The Sunrise Court


  • She literally hates Blood Orange Zircon and has multiple times had to resist the urge to slap her upside the face.
  • Pink Bow has a negative relationship with a lot of the other Zircons, especially the other Pink Zircons in the court.
  • When not working she tries to keep to herself in her Sulphur’s personal garden, often sulking there.
  • Even though she loses all of her cases, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t try. Pink Bow can spend many hours on a single case and has all the work wasted every time.