Alfie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

KCLASS Global Rules

This is a bit of a read but I tried to organize it in a way that makes sense
if you want to do something, but are worried it might conflict with my ToS, let me know and we can probably work something out.
please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding my ToS!


- By accepting ownership of a design created by me, you agree to these terms.
- You have to have a in order to own a design created by me. please contact me if you need an invite code and I will be happy to provide you with one (or multiple) for free. Please do not delete designs created by me off of
- You may not sell, trade, or otherwise give designs created by me to people on my blacklist.
- You may not create new "original species" or "closed species" based on designs created by me without permission. You may convert designs made by me into pre-existing closed species.
- You may only make derivative designs (including but not limited to: alternate palettes, AUs, next generation designs and fusions) based on a design created by me if I am still credited as a designer. These designs cannot be made into their own characters and must only exist as a tab on the original design's page. Exceptions may be made if you contact me beforehand.
- Do not, under any circumstances, make splits of designs I have created. I define a split as turning one character into two or more characters by splitting up different versions of the same character. Co-owning a character is fine, but it can only have one profile.
- You may redesign any characters designed by me in any way you see fit, as long as you still credit me as the original designer and abide by my other rules.
- You may create and sell merchandise featuring characters I have created that you currently own, as long as it uses art that you created or that you have explicit, written permission to use.
- You may sell, trade, or gift my characters as you please, as long as my blacklist and other terms are respected. If one of my designs on is listed as unable to be sold/traded/gifted, please inform me so that I can fix it.

Failing to follow my terms of service will lead to you being blacklisted.


People on this list are banned from commissioning me or owning any of my designs. This also applies to accounts not listed that are owned/maintained by these people.
I reserve the right to blacklist people for reasons not listed in my ToS, and I am not obligated to explain or "prove" why someone is blacklisted.

- catastrophyte / god-hearts
- "Kyra Turner" / "Kira" / @
- Limezime
- Alyssa258
- WildWires