


9 months, 16 days ago


Age: 300

Height 6'0"

Spike is a demon who desires to open a portal to Hell.

The leader of a demonic coalition on Earth, Spike has always seeked to unlock the doorway between the land of the living and the prison of the damned, so he could free his demonic brothers and sisters from their eternal torment. Yet his plans are consistently foiled by a masked fool who claims the name of Strikeman and his group of failures and freaks he calls his team. No matter what occurs though, Spike will unleash Hell, it is the absolute that must occur, and he shall take advantage of his abilities to make sure it does. These abilities all revolve around his razor sharp and incredibly durable spikes, which can extend and move around at will and have yet to not pierce through a target, he also retains the basic demonic strength and speed.

Spike's personality is controlled by really one element, which is his immense rage. He is known for his fair share of outbursts and will physically assault and intimidate his demonic teammates to make sure they commit to a deed or as punishment for failing him.