


6 years, 3 days ago

Basic Info










in a relationship with Soda



Gleamstics are a CS by cyleana 

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  • Bio 
    • Before Xiaowen was born her family had a bit of a fall out with their family, only keeping in contact with the parents of and brother of Xiaowens father. Her parents used to have their own company together with another business partner and thus quit a bit money. 
    • Honestly, they spoiled little Xiaowen rotten back then. She had pretty much anything to feel like a little princess. 
    • Both the family of Xiaowens mother and her father used to come from a weaker economic background, so they might have gone a bit overboard with their spending’s when they actually had money, it was just kinda ecstatic to have so much money when before they had to tun every penny twice. 
    • Anyway, everything was good until their business partner pretty much destroyed their company, causing a rather big scandal in the process and then running of with the rest of the money the company had left, leaving the careers of Xiaos parents in ruins and them penniless. 
    • Now poor again and on top of that jobless they moved out of their big, fancy apartment and moved in together with Xiaowens Uncle and Aunt to keep the last of their (surprisingly) small savings. 
    • Xiaos father became extremely bitter over basically losing his lifes’ work, didn’t help that the people he fell out before all came running back just to laugh at his misfortune. 
    • Life after that became rather hard, her parents worked longer hours than ever but didn’t even get a fraction of the money they had before. Meanwhile Xiaowens father fell into somewhat of a downwards spiral; he didn’t become abusive, don’t get me wrong, he just became sad and somewhat hostile towards people outside his small family.  He’d also often talk about not being able to trust other people (outside of their family at least), thus installing a certain mistrust into Xiaowen over time. In contrast to Xiaos father her mother tried to somehow make the best of the whole situation, though she also shared the same mistrust has her husband just not to the same extend. 
    • During that time in her life Xiao would spend a lot of her time outside of school with her Aunt, who was a stay at home mom, and consequently also her older cousin Yawen. The two of them got along surprisingly well and after some time were practically inseparable. 
    • Life kind of went on more or less ok-ish, but of course things can’t stay like that for all too long. When Xiaowen was about 14 years old her father got ill, at first it didn’t seem that bad but over time his condition got worse. By the time Xiao was almost 16 her father died of his condition, feeling cheated by live and a lot of people. 
    • Xiaowen and her family were devastated but beyond that she also felt angry. She felt angry at all the people who left her father feeling horrible and tore down his and her mothers hard work. During that time Yawen and his mother were probably their biggest help. 
    • Somehow along the way and with a lot of Yawens help she made it out of school with so so grades. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any idea what to do with her life, so she just floated from some place to the next doing small jobs like waitressing here and there. 
    • Some time later Yawen introduced her to Reila and Suyin, at first, she didn’t like the idea of getting into gang business, but really, if there’s one thing she learned from her parents life it’s that honest work doesn’t seem to get you anywhere, so after giving it some thought she joining their at that time still small group. 

  • Misc. 
    • Xiaowen currently works as a rather expansive escort, which puts her in a good position to get information about a lot of rich men. She is essentially the information broker of her gang and sometimes also deals with blackmailing. 
    • Though she most of the time doesn’t do any of the physical work she does keep a switch blade and pepper spray on her person just to be safe, she is pretty good at hiding her blade. 
    • She doesn’t really like the company she’s working for, mostly because of the other girls there. 
    • Due to her job she became a really good liar. 
    • Xiao likes to do jogging and running as a way to unwind after work and to stay in shape, she occasionally also does yoga. 
    • If she could she’d spend most of her time either at the hair dresser or in a spa, she really enjoys just having someone else pamper her. 
    • She’d never admit it but she get’s scared during horror movies and will jump prom the most obvious jump-scare and probably cling to the person next to her.