Fletcher's Comments


Hello!! ::00 I'm low-key high-key obsessed with this design for some reason and I'm wondering if you'd like to trade!! I'd be willing to do two busts (shaded with backgrounds and all that)! 

I'd love to trade with you, your art is lovely!! I'll mark Febe as pending for you right now! You also don't have to do any kinda complex background, just a general/simple one works just as well. ^^

Would it be ok to ask for the busts to be of these two?

https://toyhou.se/4445515.jane-doe (any sort of foresty or dark green background is ok!)

https://toyhou.se/7442587.dr-a-cute-exposure (they work at a lab, bright white/lightish green backgrounds preferred - lemme know if you aren't comfortable drawing ponies, I can choose a different character if you'd like!)

Omg I'd love to draw them!!! I'll get em done asap!! Thank you so much :3

I'm super glad! Many thanks to you, too :D

Alright I've finished them both!!

All got- I haven't been able to stop gushing to my friends over how much I love your art!! I've sent Febe over, thank you again! :D