
6 years, 5 days ago


Name: Jay Renard

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Family: James, Sam, Jace, Catherine

Friends: Mike, Vincent, Russet, Rusty

Pero: A quiet, slightly paranoid, but rather friendly gal.  Gets rather skittish in big crowds.

Bio: Jay grew up with her twin brother and her dad, her older sister occasionally showing up.  She often got to stay at her father’s work, Ginger’s Fun and Food, where he owned the place.  When Jay was almost 10, her dad had an accident with the animatronics and wound up in an almost dead state.  Jay and Jace’s older sister took care of them after that, and the old owner of the establishment took hold again until the twins were 18.  Jace enherited it then, and for about a year it ran well.  Then the same thing that happened to their father happened to him, and Jay started filling in for him.  However, she forgot to tell anyone, and without meaning to, convinced everyone she was Jace who’s nickname was in fact, Jay.  

Jay’s bio after this currently being written in a story.

Description: A rather lanky lady, with red hair and blue eyes.  She has a scar running down the right side of her face.  Looks rather androgynous, and usually seen with bandages over her chest and stomach due to an odd injury.  Almost always seen in her work clothes.