


8 months, 1 day ago


Father & Mother - Goldenheart & Applemeadow (Screa-m & NPC)

Pinekit vowed to follow in his fathers pawsteps. Nightmares of watching his father being brutally slain would haunt the young tom for seasons to come. He loved and missed his father so much at times it would take his breath away and pain would consume the young kitten. .

Oh how Pinekit wishes he could've gotten to know his mother. He wishes more than anything he could have time with the both of them. He is proud to be their son and will never let any cat belittle them. Applemeadow, according to Papa, was loyal, smart and passionate, but she was quiet with her distrust of ThunderClan. Rightfully so, Pinekit will always remember how they betrayed his family.

Foster Mother - Hazetears - 

Pinekit resents Hazetears for trying to fill the void left from the murder of his parents. Deep down he knows they have no malicious intent for him or his siblings, but he doesn't care.


Mate- Lavendersky- Aloegator

She was the first good thing that loved him in his life. Cobra treasures his mate above all else and would go to great lengths to keep her happy. Lavendersky is the only thing that matters to Cobrastorm.