
Axl Valentine


Aliases Punk, Tough Guy
Age Adult
Birthday/Sign October 30th/Scorpio
Gender Male
Height 6'4"
Body Type Buff and sturdy, but not inherently bulky
Occupation Musician
Orientation Pan
Status Alive | Taken by Jin
Flower Red lily
Voice Claim Max Mittelman
Created 9/4/23


Charisma 90%
Kindness 90%
Temper 60%
Integrity 80%
Wisdom 10%
Humor 90%


Attack 70%
Defense 90%
Dexterity 10%
Stamina 90%
Speed 70%
Luck 30%

Lead vocalist and drummer of an indie rock band (name pending lmaooo), Axl Valentine has a bad reputation. With his punky appearance, strong stature, and tendency to appear rather beat-up, he's often thought to be a no-good punk. He's garnered plenty of rumors, and even had his fair share of run-ins with the authorities thanks to this. However, he only really intimidates people until he opens his mouth. As tough of an image as he may put off, Axl is a true softie without a braincell to his name. His frequent bandages and scars result purely from his clumsiness. His appearance is just because he thinks it makes him look cool. He's got only the purest intentions, and he's one of the most entertaining people you may possibly meet.


As a person, Axl is like the human embodiment of a golden retriever. He's incredibly energetic, kind, and outgoing. He loves making friends, and feels his best when he's spending time with those he cares for. He's quick to strike up a conversation, whether he truly understands what he's talking about or not. He especially loves joking around, and feels incredibly fulfilled when he's able to make people laugh. He cares deeply for those around him, taking on an almost brotherly role. He's goofy and fun to be around, but also always in your corner and willing to stand up for you in even the worst circumstances. He's very loud, bold, and brave. He walks to the beat of his own, very rapid drum, and he's proud of it. He knows he's cool, and he loves to hear people back that assertion up. He's the kind of guy who says the first thing that comes to mind, for better or for worse. This makes him the very direct sort—when he wants to get a point across, you will know it. He's very much an open book with easy-to-read emotions. However, he doesn't use this to be rude. On the contrary, most of the things that come out of his mouth are very optimistic, albeit usually very crass. He has little to no filter, to say the least. Still, even if he doesn't have a penchant for manners, he has a good heart. He sees the best in everyone around him, and likes to believe there's good in just about everything. Alongside this, he is a sort of walking paradox. He's very laid-back and patient with people around him. He has a lot of understanding for others, and is very encouraging. While he doesn't have the most eloquent advice, he's always around to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on. However, his energy also makes him a very active person. It's almost impossible to see him sit still. He's always trying to do something, and tends to have a very small attention span unless he has specific interest in the situation. He argues that, should he stay in one place for too long, he'd "literally explode." His mind moves fast, and he likes to make his body keep up with that pace. That being said, it's not impossible to get him to slow down (especially if you're Jin haha.) Just... difficult.

However, Axl isn't without his flaws. He is very much the epitome of a himbo. He's very kind, but very dumb. He doesn't think through things often at all, and is prone to saying some of the dumbest shit you've ever heard. He can be incredibly oblivious to even the simplest topics, and he definitely has a one-track mind, but he does his best to try to learn. His dense nature, coupled with his energy, often leave him out of the loop. Alongside this, his hyperactive mind can make him quite scatterbrained. He's prone to forgetting things if he doesn't leave himself reminders, and has a bad habit of procrastination due to just how many tasks he tends to take on in a day. If something doesn't catch his interest, he'll typically leave it on the back burner—often for way too long. On the plus side, he argues he's very good at managing things under pressure thanks to this! When he does take interest in things, he has a tendency to take approaches that are as bold as he is. That is to say, he will put the most extra solutions he can to work. He's a simple man: his philosophy is, the bigger the gesture, the better. He's the creative sort, but perhaps too creative for his own good, and he often misses the obvious solution until it smacks him in the face. He's very passionate, but also gets fired up too easily. While he's not the angry sort, as he hates getting mad, he's certainly not one to keep his cool. His brash mannerisms can be too much for some people to handle. He can be incredibly stubborn. He's a surprisingly rebellious spirit, one who doesn't like people messing with his personal rhythm. He is also incredibly accident-prone. He's the kind of man who could trip over thin air. While he tries his best, especially considering the elaborate sorts of activities he gets up to, he often finds himself getting at least mild injuries. Hospital staff know him by name, and not because of his band. Still, he tries his best!

Surprisingly, the one thing that Axl's clumsiness hasn't touched has been music. When it comes to his band, he can almost become a completely different person. He's incredibly talented with composing and playing songs, and can express himself through lyrics way better than he can through words alone. When he puts his mind to a song, he can come up with surprisingly insightful and beautiful thoughts. He can also cope through some of the things he's unequipped to handle otherwise this way. While he seems like the very "no thoughts head empty" sort (and lord knows he is), he actually has more emotional baggage and pressure than he lets on. He lets this out in the most constructive way he knows how, but he still has yet to know how to really deal with it—or feel outwardly comfortable asking for help. Because of this, among other reasons, what he does is INCREDIBLY important to him. He's super ambitious and passionate, and has huge dreams for where his band can take him. He's always looking for their next big break, and knows he'll be a hit one day.


TBA haha


  • He cuts his hair himself, hence how wild it tends to be. He loves it that way, though!
  • He loves spicy food, like a LOT. Some of his favorite foods are pizza and burgers with spicy toppings.
  • He also LOVES cherry and pomegranate stuff! His favorite drink in the world is a Shirley Temple because of this, though his close second favorite is a classic cherry cola haha.
  • He really loves to cook! He finds it fun to follow recipes, and he at least likes what he's able to make! However, he is an absolute DISASTER in the kitchen. He always cleans up after himself, and he hasn't started... many fires. But still.
  • Outside of singing and percussion, he can play plenty of other instruments! His favorites otherwise are guitar and piano.
  • Originally, he was actually the lead singer and guitarist in his band. However, he had a tendency to get a bit too excited moving around on stage, and was very prone to falling off. He and the rest of his bandmates decided it would be best for him to be stationary instead after enough practice sessions. It took a little work, but they eventually found a good setup to allow him to sing and drum well when doing live shows. He's absolutely fine with this, as he LOVES drumming.
  • He really loves fashion, but specifically the bold and flashy styles. He LOVES punk looks, visual kei, grunge, and really any outfit that can make a statement, Especially if it happens to involve red plaid haha.
  • While he's a sweet guy, he does still know how to take care of himself and those close to him should he need to. His muscles aren't just for show, after all. He just hates getting violent, and thankfully he doesn't have to. His appearance and reputation speak for themselves.
  • As evidenced by his favorite foods, he is a huge fan of diner-style restaurants. He'll take you to the dinkiest little diners and swear by the quality of their food. He hasn't misled anyone yet!
  • In order to get by between gigs, he will often take on little odd jobs jere and there. Though he never holds a single position for long. He tried to work more normal jobs before discovering music, but he was unfortunately fired from many of them. Not for misconduct, but because of just how clumsy he was despite his best efforts. This chain of firings definitely hasn't helped his reputation much though.
  • He is a very physically affectionate person. So long as the ones around him are okay with it, he's always happy to hand out hugs!
  • Due to just how prone he is to injury, he has developed a very high pain tolerance. Someone could hit him right in the face and he'd likely shrug it off (if he even noticed it happened to begin with haha.)
  • Alongside this, he always carries first aid stuff around with him, and knows a good amount about things like wound care. He figured it would be good to know and be prepared for. Many people who know him consider this to be his brightest idea haha.
  • He absolutely loves dragons, and they're easily his favorite animal (including mythical creatures at least haha.) He also just loves reptiles in general.
  • As clumsy as he may be, he quite enjoys carrying others around. He thinks it helps put pressure on himself to not trip, as it's not only him on the line, and arguably walks better when carrying people.
  • He has some interest in videography and photography! He's no expert, but he wants to learn so he can make really good music videos for his band!
  • He was absolutely a band kid and theater nerd in school lmao,, yes you can tell,,
  • He has a habit of "finger-drumming" on just about every surface he gets his hands on. Especially when he's bored, he'll just start tapping out rhythms to keep himself stimulated. He'll also tap with whatever is in his hands. For instance, if he's writing something down, sometimes he'll just start tapping and clicking his pen in a beat.
  • He likes doing drumstick tricks, and will often translate them to other objects (particularly writing utensils.) He is, however, only so good at them.
  • He likes to doodle a lot! While he's not typically big on making full compositions (hard for him to sit down and focus for that long), he'll often draw out little things on just about any paper he gets his hands on. He has a surprisingly cute, albeit simplistic, style.
  • As much as he loves edgier aesthetics, he is also a huge sucker for cute stuff. Especially cute plushes. Show him a good plush and he'll go nuts haha.
  • More later hehe haha



Jin [ Boyfriend ]

Axl and Jin had what many would consider a classic meet-cute. The two first met in a music shop. While browsing, they reached for the same album at the same time. Axl considered this a huge win. He had finally met someone who liked the same band in person! The two got to talking, then hanging out. They became friends, and eventually that friendship blossomed into something more. Even if it took Axl an embarrassingly long time to notice the sparks flying wheeze,, (more details later haha)

The duo truly couldn't be more different. Jin is gentle and quiet, while Axl is loud and energetic. They're polar opposites, but it works in their favor. They're able to support each other where it matters, and make each other better people as a result. Axl can help pep Jin up, while Jin can help him settle down. And they still have their similarities, particularly in their kindness. They're about the most supportive duo you'll meet, to say the least.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.