(FT) Zira Cailar



8 months, 25 days ago


Age 48
Nicknames content
Species Human
Guild Unicorn Sun
Gender Trans Female (She/Her)
Sexuality Aro-Ace
Magic Sandmagic
Debut Grand Magic Games

Zira has been a member since her early childhood. She was found by Nola and brought to the guild. She and Nola are often found hanging out. When Ziras not at the guild, she's with her therapist or finding some peace in the local library.

  • Tea
  • Fights
  • Singing
  • Reading
  • Popmusic
  • Black coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Fire
  • Woods
  • To be alone
  • Breaking unhealthy habits
  • Find excitement
  • Have fun

Zira is determined, confident, blunt and honest. She sets her mind to something to finish it and won't allow anything to get her away from that goal.

Most of her goals are set as a personal challenge to prove herself to herself. Depending on the goal, this can lead to Zira not leaving her flat for a few days.

Her bluntness is often interprated as rudeness by strangers. Her honesty shows itself in compliments to her peers.

Magic and Abilities

Sand Magic

Sand Magic is a form of Magic revolving around the use of sand, which is placed under the user's command for them to employ for various purposes. The user manipulates sand and shapes it into a variety of forms for different purposes, with the most prominent so far being for combat, with sand-made bullets being the most common attacks. Due to the sheer amount used in its casting, the sand itself is very powerful.

Sand Shield

Zira creates a shield out of sand. She can change the size at will.

Sand Eruption

She creates a burst of sand beneath her target.

Sand Body

Zira can create a clone of herself out of sand. She can also turn parts of her body to sand.

Sand Whip

Zira uses a long sand strand to hit a target from afar.

Scorpion Sand Fracture

Zira creates hot sand and binds someone to the ground. Their hands are completely enveloped in sand.Can be used on multiple targets at once.


Zira grew up in the south of Amaryllis. She lived a quiet live as a young boy, mostly trying to stay out of trouble. She still got into trouble more often than not. In the towns school, she would get into fights to try to prove her manliness to herself. This lead to her becoming a target of two other boys, Jake and Hunter.

Her magic soon showed itself when she got into a fight with Hunter. This lead to her parents getting an instructor from Alvarez to help her. Ajeel, before he joined the Spriggan 12. He saw potential in her as a great mage.

As a boy Zira felt terrible for most of her childhood. She and her parents didn't know what to do with their childs behaviour. One day, while out in town Zira met Nola and the two became friends soon. That night, disaster struck Ziras family as their house burned down, due to a still burning cigarette in the kitchen. Zira and her parents barley made it out.


Grand Magic Games Arc

Zira is the member of the reserve team. She replaces Osyn on the sixth day.


Zira VS Erza VS Minerva VS Kagura:
During the sixth day
Zira VS Twin Dragons:
During the sixth day

S-Class Arc

Zira is the second trail of strength.


Zira VS Sayaka

Pegasus Moon Arc

Conflict with Pegasus Moon. Zira only joins later after she returned from a job.


Zira VS Marieke

Tartaros Arc

Unicorn Sun gets attacked by agents of Tartaros who want to use them as sacrifices.


Zira VS Tartaros Minions
Zira VS Zeref Clone
Zira VS Face Bombs


[ Best Friends ]


Nola Elune

Will kill and live for Nola.

[ Friends ]


Silvesse Haet

These two go shopping alot.

[ Friendly ]


Osyn Tenho

They watch out for each other.

[ Friends ]


Jiro Tenho

Go on jobs together, often.

[ Friends ]


Sayaka Kaji

Mostly they talk about books or current happenings. They play boardgames once a week.

[ Friends ]


Lucy Heartfilia

These two meet alot in bookshops and libraries.

[ Friends ]


Beth Vanderwood

Meet during the Grand Magic Games. Stayed in contact.

[ Friends ]


Alzack Connell

Sparring partners.

[ Friends/Rivals ]


AraƱa Webb

Have met before the Grand Magic Games and established a rivalry.

[ Compilcated ]


Ajeel Raml

Ziras former teacher.

code by hagelliot