


9 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Bittor Solo


6'2 | 187cm


Antzigar (Frost)


Underground chemist, Vigilante

Favourite Food:

Linguine in clam sauce


Euskalduna, French

Fighting Style:

Modified Cryogenic Combat Skin


-Medical Breakthroughs

 Professor Bittor Solo was an accomplished physicist working under the Prototech Company in the cryogenics department. A man of morals Bittor worked tirelessly to use his field in the preservation of organs and treatment of disease and temperature regulation disorders. His equally devoted staff had helped him produce a number advancements in the surgical field earning them several accolades with Bittor always crediting his team with most of the work insistent on the contributions of all his staff. However his humanitarian efforts were less than profitable and his superiors had his division absorbed into their government projects instead as few pratices or hospitals would foot the cost of Professor Solo’s equipment over current methods, if even less immediately affective. Holding an extreme aversion to violence, Professor Solo did as he was told keeping team morale high despite how the work was tearing him up inside. Despite his best efforts, his staff could clearly see the conflict within their leader and as a result went on strike until they were placed back into the medical division. Bringing attention to the growing discontent, the division head simply terminated Bittor’s team enraging him and threatening resignation. His threats fell empty due to the nature of his contractual work leaving him the possibility of legal, and financial, repurcussion. As a result, the professor was left dismayed as he was assigned the development of a cold assault combat suit.

-Glass Heart

 Wanting to get revenge by any way. He opted to create their weapon and play along, only he developed the liquid nitrogen systems in the suit not for combat but instead he created a medical device that utilized cryogenic technology to protect the wearer and maintain nominal health conditions; to allow someone some normalcy in their condition rather than be put into a coma. When his superiors found out they were infuriated and terminated him on the spot. Hatching a new scheme his bosses left a surprise in his office as he returned to the lab to gather his belongings giving one last look at the medical marvels he’d created. Then something terrible occured. Before he could even react his machinations began to short circuit imploding and causing the entire block to be flash frozen with Bittor at the heart of the “accident”. Solo was left with fourth degree frost burns over his entire body kept alive purely, and ironically, by the very suit that landed him in the situation in the first place. His superiors in the Prototech Co. visited him ominously stating that given the suit is their property and he’s kept alive by it, he was therefor just as much their property as the suit. Furious, Bittor remained barely alive and had to endure the experiments they conducted on him and the modifications they made to the suit he was trapped in. Only the neural impalnt used to control him wasn’t exactly built to withstand such temperatures… Biding his time, Bittor eventually revealed his gambit simply dropping the frozen implant into the technician’s hands before giving all the new weapon systems they’d grafted a proper field test across Prototech’s offices, fully intent on reaching the top and leaving the entire tower as a frigid waste.

Now abandoning his beliefs and integrity, he sacrificed his own character to be reborn as a nameless patient in a suit; a ghost barely breathing or alive. Taking the name ‘Frost’, he was quick to put his superiors in the same frigid condition they had placed on him now wandering Makina-Hiria seeking to dismantle Prototech’s shadowy military endeavors and reclaim his technology and research desperate to become the once acclaimed doctor he had been.