The helpful



9 months, 23 hours ago


The helpful

"The only way we can get through this is by helping each other!"

Twig is absolutely terrified of everything and has extreme anxiety. There is not one thing that will not make him jump and run in fear, he is always cowering in fear and lowering his head as he’s even too scared to stand up straight sometimes as something will hurt him. Living in the corrupted forest has made him scared of everything around him. He has seen so many horrible things, people suffering and cruel things that someone like him didn’t deserve.

He is constantly paranoid, and the only thing that gives him comfort is being near Aurora and hiding in his small hiding spots he made for himself. He will always try to avoid confrontation and fighting. Despite this, Twig doesn’t want anyone going through what he has to suffer with for all eternally. Which is why he helps others from the other monstrous spirits. Helping others gives him peace and gives him a sense of comfort and hope. One of his weaknesses is Twig has way too much sympathy for others and can be too nice and caring, despite all he has been through.


Name Twig
Age Died at 19
Gender Male
Species Cat
Status Undead
Residence A tree hollow in the corrupted forest
Role Helping and guiding spirits

  • Helping others
  • Hugs
  • Flowers

  • Sticks
  • Almost every spirit
  • Picked on for his size


  • Twig died by being stabbed to death by sticks, hence the sticks in his fur
  • Twig used to be normal sized before he died
  • He watches the moon sometimes, sad he can't join the light forest
  • He knows almost every hiding spot and small space in the forest

Design Notes

  • Sticks in fur
  • Fur is messy and scruffy
  • Eyes are always widened
  • Skinny and small


Twig is the smallest and weakest spirit of the forest, and because of that the other spirits pick on him and threaten Twig to grab them resources and food. Twig does it out of fear, but what he doesn’t know is none of the spirits will actually cause harm to Twig.

Because Aurora won’t allow it. Which means he’s actually safe, yet doesn’t know it. Why is Aurora protecting Twig? When she absolutely is heartless and cares for no one? That my friend is for another story. Twig roams around the forest, usually hiding in small places like burrows, holes in trees and holes in the ground.

Despite his small size and vulnerability, Twig is a skilled hunter when it comes to small critters and is the best at finding resources and small places. When Twig sees a spirit lost in the forest, he usually tells them to follow him to safety and does his best to protect them from harm, giving his title "the helpful”.

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