The grieving drifter



9 months, 17 minutes ago


The Drifter
Gender Male
Job Look on the bright side and tell positive stories
Favorite hobbies Singing-Talking-Exploring

They are called the grieving drifter, having drifter in the name as one always seems to be happy and naive, unaware of the horrible place around them, being named the drifter as their mind has drifted somewhere more positive than the horrible hell they live in.

They usually make up the games and lead the way of the body, and do things to try and cheer up their crying sibling. A task he hasn’t succeeded at yet.

The Grieving
Gender Female
Job Protect the body and tell folk lore stories
Favorite hobbies Picking flowers-Watching the moon rise and pass

The grieving was given her name as she is eternally crying and depressed. Always looking on the dark side of things and always believes the worst will happen. She usually is seen looking down and keeps her head low as she doesn’t want to interact much or be noticed. Despite this, she’s the more intelligent head and usually comes up with the idea and plans on where to go and stay out of danger. No one has any idea who she is actually crying and grieving for, only Drifter may know that.


A mysterious unidentified creature of two long heads who roam around the forest, usually being heard talking to themselves and telling each other stories.

Theories have said that these two were twins before they died, but don’t know how they ended up to turn into the conjoined monstrous beast. Despite being the tallest, they are pacifist and have no interest in hurting others. They enjoy others' company and tell them stories of the forest and will even play games if it means keeping company.

Relationship Siblings
Status Very close

Despite the heads being the exact opposite of one another, these two heads love each other more than staring at the moon and sky.

Their attachment has only grown stronger as the years go by. Despite them avoiding danger and fights, they are willing to put their own head at risk for one another.

The Drifter's quotes

"Can we explore this side of the forest please? I'll cook this time if we do!"

"Loking at the pretty moon just makes me smile, do you agree?"
"P-Please don't cry.. i promise it will get better, we just have to have hope! Alright?"

The Grieving's quotes

"It's so dark in here.."

"Can we please turn around? This could be dangerous.."
"Please be careful.."

Our Story

No one knows how they died, or why the two are two sentients attached together.

We can only assume they were twins with two separate bodies, and whatever caused their death had an effect on their spirit form. This pacifist monster can be heard talking to each other and telling stories to the younger spirits to make them more happy and positive.

Sometimes you can hear the sobbing and screams of the Grieving, yet no one but Drifter knows what she is crying for. The grieving represents grief, sorrow and heartbreak while Drifter represents compassion, hope and positivity.


The grieving drifter love looking at the moon and stars and it's something they both agree and enjoy.

The Drifter is deaf leaving The Grieving to help him make out what people are saying.

They constantly have trouble and argue who controls their body.