Nova Moore



8 months, 19 days ago


Nova Freya Moore

Madame Nightshade 

General Information 


 November 18th 1917


Edinburgh Scotland


Bisexual Polyamorous 






Human born Celestial 


Nova Moore

Madame Nightshade


Queen of Asgard

Moonlight Maiden

Amelia Winslow


Scottish, American




185 lbs


Avengers initiative

American military (formerly) 




Queen of new asgard


known by the public since 2012




Declan Moore (father, deceased)

Amelia Winslow Moore (mother, deceased)

Evander Moore (brother, deceased)

Tavish Moore (Evans twin brother, deceased) 

Coda Barlowe (biological daughter) 

Moonknight (son in law) 

Thordis Barnes Lokidottiur (daughter, 1st born) 

Trandil Barnes Lokison (son, twins with Thyri, 2nd born) 

Frigga Barnes Lokidottiur (daughter, 3rd born) 

Kit Barnes Lokison (son, 4th born) 

Other Relationships:

Loki Laufeyson (Husband) 

James Buchanan Barnes (Husband)

Thor Odinson (brother in law)

Hela Odindottiur  (sister in law)

Hiemdall (friend)

Valkyrie (friend)

Tony Stark (friend, god father of her children) 

Dezdemona Lenoir Stark (friend, godmother of her children) 

Dr. Roisin Healy (friend) 

Monika Ivanov Zemo (enemy to friend) 

Helmut Zemo (enemy to friend) 

Natasha Romanoff (friend)

Clint Barton (friend) 

Wanda Maximoff (student, friend to enemy) 

Vision (friend) 

Steve Rodgers (friend) 

Sam Wilson (friend) 

T'challa (friend) 

Shuri (daughter figure) 

Peter Parker (son figure)

Bruce Banner (friend) 

Nick Fury (friend) 

Dr.Stephen Strange (friend) 

Wong (friend) 

The Ancient One (acquaintance) 

Negative Nova (enemy) 

Sinister Strange (enemy)

Thanos (enemy) 

Ultron (enemy)

Hydra (enemies) 

Shield (cooperative to enemies) 


Lunar magic: draws power/energy from the moon. In some way can control the moon's sequences. This magic does have a downside , if spent too much time looking into the darkness of space eventually, it will look back at you. 

Celestial magic: like wanda's reality warping, Celestial magic is darker and more omnipotent . Creation of anything, destruction of whatever, it is an ever flowing well of power right at Nova's fingertips. 

Darkness manipulation: the ability to control darkness or shadows, mostly connected with the darkness of Lunar magic and if used too much can begin to corrupt Nova. 

Future sight: seeing visions of multiple paths of the future. Whatever choices can or may lead to. They are not always perfect or convenient to have. 

Illusions: for nova it is like shape shifting or even cloning someone, but it is not permanent and draws a lot of energy. Especially if it is multiple people at once. This trick when at full power is precise and perfect down to the hairs on someone's arms or flecks of brown in someone's blue eyes. 

Telepathic/mind reading : i mean it speaks for itself, she can talk in peoples heads and head what others are thinking 

Telekinesis: moving things, and people with her mind.

Super healing: the ultimate regeneration of cells. Never scars, never injured for more than a few seconds but depending on how extensive the wound is it could take upwards of 15-30 seconds. 

Super strength : i mean… I think it speaks for itself. She can literally crush someone's head with her thighs without strain. 

 Current reference sheets 

Movie Appearances: 

Avengers Assemble (2012)

Iron Man 3 (including cut scene, falls directly onto next movie) 

The Mysterious Madame Nightshade 

Thor the dark world 

Captain america: The winter soldier 

Avengers: Age of Ultron 

Captain america: civil war 

Doctor strange (cut scene) 

Thor Ragnarok 

Black Panther (only at the ending 5 minutes, cut scene) 

Avengers infinity war

Avengers Endgame 

Spiderman far from home (mentioned) 

Spiderman no way home (mentioned) 

Shang chi and the legends of the 10 rings (cut scene) 

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 

Black Panther Wakanda Forever

Show appearances: 


Falcon and the Winter Soldier 

What if…?

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness 

Moon Knight


Nova Moore is an immortal being. Drafted into World War 2 as a linguistic expert, eventually when the war ended she left. Looking for new life in a new country, she settled in Sleepy Hollow, New York building a small homey cottage where she could begin her painting career. 


Nova was born to her loving parents Declan and Amelia Moore on November 18th, 1917. From the very beginning Nova was a rather odd child, always having trouble sleeping at night and weird unexplainable things would happen. Things disappeared and reappeared in front of her parents eyes often, but the weirdest to them was at 4 years old, Nova told her mother and father she would be a big sister, specifically to a set of twins. Two boysl. 

9 months later it turns out indeed, she would be the older sister of a set of boy twins. 

As she grew up her powers became more and more prominent. Especially when it came to the moon being such a large part of her powers. Days of full moons to come would bring chaos for the tiny village the Moore family lived in. Yet they all had no complaints, she was always a kind and smart girl. Most of the village thought of her as a sweet child as well. Known for her help around the village square, and her knowledge on anyone's mental or physical health. 

There weren't always happy and sweet times though. When she was 8, there was a so called 'accident'. A boy had been picking on another girl, and Nova didn't like that. So out of nowhere, it seemed like the boy's hair caught on fire. It wasn't a normal fire though, it was purple and seemed to move unnaturally. It was all somehow chocked up to the boy wearing too much hair gel and some sort of electrical burst must have set it off. 

Eventually, Nova grew up into a young woman. At the age of 23 years old she was drafted into the military. She could speak quite a few languages needed during this war. To the American government she was known by Amelia Winslow, her mothers name. Her father made it so that in case of emergency, Nova could slip away without harm. 

She had been reassigned to a mission in Scotland, Edinburgh. Taking a few days to herself at a down point in the war, she went to visit her family. Still living in that old family estate that had belonged to the Moore's as far back as the medieval times, her grandmother would like to say. 

Her parents, and brothers were all at home to greet her. A supper full of all her favorite foods that she had missed so dearly waiting for her. Declan and Nova spoke about things going on in Berlin, and the mention of a mysteriously notorious group called Hydra in league with Hitlers Nazi Regime. 

Meanwhile, Hydra had also heard the rumors of this woman with super powers working for the other side. They decided they needed proof of this rumor, and thus they sent a plane loaded with a very dangerous bomb. That night was the last night Nova spent with her family. The bomb had done what its job was, it completely destroyed the entire estate and everyone within it. 

Except for Nova. 

That was the confirmation they needed, and the truth Nova never expected. She was immortal, an immortal human with brilliantly dangerous powers. 

Amelia Winslow was classified as killed in action as well as her family being seen as casualties of a Hydra Attack. Nova took whatever she could from her home, which was not hardly anything and left for America. Heartbroken and filled with rage. 

When she traveled to America she made a home for herself in the woods of Sleepy Hollow. It wasn't the same as her cottage in Scotland, but a cottage nonetheless. During her stay in the war she was able to actually meet the acquaintance of a certain Super Soldier by the name of Steve Rodgers. Giving him a drawing of himself during the show she had just watched and some much needed insight. 

"Don't do what is easy. Do what is right, Captain."

Life after war

Throughout the next 3 decades, Nova went around the world in search of Hydra bases with the need for revenge. Each one she found, she decimated with ease. Soon being dubbed the Moonlight Maiden for she was only seen on full moons, where she was at her strongest. Sokovia folklore was soon enraptured with this Moonlight Maiden, calling her a vengeful yet kind spirit bringing justice for those who were lost during the last World War. 

Hydra's remaining bases were sending assassins after her left and right in the hopes she would be captured. Each one never came back, presumably she had freed them from all of their brainwashing. They got low… and sent out their best option. The Winter Soldier.

Instead of keeping to his mission of catch and retrieve, the Winter Soldier became curious of the redheaded woman. She seemed awfully happy and caring, full of joy and life. Though something deeper in him piqued his interest. 

He watched her for days, before eventually breaking into her home and searching around it late at night. To his surprise, she was awake in the kitchen, watching as he walked around her cottage drinking a cold glass of water.

 "Just don't muck up my floorboards, dearie."

Shocked by her presence he went to harm her, pulling out a blade and lunging to stab her straight in the heart without thinking. Purple rays seemed to engulf his metallic arm and the blade stopping his efforts. 

He looked into her blue eyes, which had now become enraptured in the same purple hue not saying a word. "Did they even inform you of who- well what I am?", she tilted her head, an oddly warm smile on her face. "No worries darling. We'll get to know each other.", Nova moving her hand to touch the side of the soldier's forehead, before he fell unconscious. 

Soon after, the winter soldier being freshly out of his brain washing, he didn't remember anything about who he might have once been. Nova offered to help him find out and the rest is history. 'Wolfie' is what she called him until they figured out his name. She helped him learn small things about himself, who his parents were, his best friend, and importantly his name. "Hello, James." , Nova said for the first time in their year of searching. Tears of joy in her eyes as she hugged James tightly. 

The offer was always open for Bucky to let Nova dive more into his mind, but she never wanted to without his consent. He had already had too many people in his brain in the last few decades, she didn't want to hurt him more. Bucky lived at that cottage with Nova for 5 years, they eventually fell in love. 

"Could I uhm… um take you out to dinner?", "Wolfie, are you courting me?"The Scottish accent is still so strong after all these years. 

Eventually though, Hydra found the lovers. Capturing them both and imprisoning them at a base in Russia. If Nova didn't go with them, they would have hurt Bucky, and she couldn't handle that. Not after everything she's lost already. 

She watched as Bucky was mind wiped again and again, all their memories together gone with just a jolt of electricity. His screams were deafening to her ears, eventually she exploded with anger, destroying the room and killing the hydra agents around her. She ran over to Bucky, holding his head and stroking his face. Tears fell from her eyes at the sight of his passed out face. Tears still lingering that very familiar purple hue. 

When Bucky's woke up… it wasn't the man she had grown to know and love. He was back to being the Winter Soldier all over again, he grabbed her curly red hair and stood up, dragging her into a cell where later she would be experimented on by these hydra doctors. Her heart broke yet again, he didn't even look at her, he was gone. 

Hydra spent years extracting her blood, organs, even cutting off limbs or sticking needles in her eyes to figure out her abilities and how to make their super soldiers superior. Nova had practically given up, being constantly medicated and under sedation, not able to see the moon for even a few minutes in all that time. She had grown weak, and tired of trying. 

She was strapped down to a chair by the arms, under sedation once again. The Winter Soldier just arrived back from a mission, he walked by this lab and peered in only for a second, but sudden flashes of memories of this particular woman ran through his mind. He had been dreaming of her, at least those were the only good nights of sleep he had. Walking into the lab, which was unguarded and only had one tiny doctor inside, obviously distracted by vials of blood and other things. He walked up beside the woman, unclasping her arm restraints without thought or reasoning. Her eyes slowly opening and shutting from the noise of his metal arm and the sudden movement of the claps on her skin. 

She moved her arm up hesitantly, the soldier unconsciously leaning down to meet her hand. It was small and soft, albeit shaky, yet still gentle. "Is this a dream..?" She whispered quietly. The Winter Soldier's expression changed to be confused, but before he could speak he heard a sharp gasp come from the woman below him, the scientist, still somehow not noticing the dark and menacing assassin next to his subject, stuck a rather large needle in Nova's arm. 

Nova couldn't completely see straight, she was still quite out of it from the sedatives but she heard a large crash and yell come from the tiny doctor running tests on her. The Winter Soldier had grabbed him by the throat and launched him across the room, directly into the precious vials he was working on. Nova tried to sit up to look at the man she loved, but her head was so dizzy she could barely move. "Buck?", she spoke out hoarsely. "I've seen you in my dreams.", the soldier grumbled, now standing above Nova. "Why?", he questioned. "Because we knew each other. We have a past… together.", she tried to keep her eyes open to speak with him. 

"Will you tell me? Tell me who you are? Who am I?" , as large as he was, his grasp on Nova's arm was gentle. "I will tell you everything, anything, my darling.", the old pet name still rolling off Nova's tongue with such emotion. Bucky nodded, and swiftly- also still carefully- picked the redheaded woman up. Holding her close to his broad leather covered chest. 

They had made it out of the Hydra base, but one second they were together, the next they had been separated. And all Nova could hear was a gunshot, then a scream from the love of her life. For the first time in years she broke down, thinking maybe they would be together again, just maybe, only to have that hope ripped away. She was engulfed by that familiar purple magic, it seemed to spark embers and sparkle around the woods near her. Then suddenly, there was nothing left. 

No woods, no hydra base, no Bucky. 

She was alone, all over again.

Modern Life, becoming an Avenger 

After everything that happened in the 80s, Nova had closed herself off from the rest of the world. All except the people in her small town but still, constantly on guard. 

When Loki had first come to Midgard, Nova knew immediately. She could feel it in the air, and that was the night she knew something would happen. She wasn't sure of what yet but something was coming. Turns out that something was someone, Director Nick Fury. Asking her to join something called the 'Avengers Initiative', a group of extraordinary people helping the world. Well, she didn't want to join. The immortal in her short 95 years of living had become sick of saving ungrateful people, of losing the ones she loved. 

Fury wasn't going to take no for an answer, deciding to take her by force at her small aged cottage. At Least a dozen men surrounding her one second, then the next on the ground

"I told you, do not make me hurt anyone." 

At that very moment, almost like a lightning flash, Nova had a vision of her helping the avengers and not helping them. The world as she knew it paved down two roads. She suddenly stopped fighting two agents trying to cuff her, they put her in the back of a helicopter with Director Fury and Agent Coulson, and they were on their way to Shield's Helicarrier.

From there she met the avengers, eventually helping to make some sort of connection to Loki and joining a group of superheroes despite her early on protests. 

She was dubbed "Madame Nightshade" by the citizens of New York after the attack. 

From there on she helped Loki to become a better person, a redeemed god. After all his hardships growing up and the abuse he's felt. She started to feel that same connection she did oh so long ago with Bucky Barnes. They grew close on Asgard after helping to defeat the dark elves together, eventually even coming to work out his issues on Earth. Falling in love during Age of Ultron, despite the recent knowledge of Bucky Barnes being alive and on the run. Loki and Nova became an item anyways, becoming each other's person and helping to find Bucky once again come time for Captain America Civil War. 

The three of them went to Wakanda under King Tchallas invitation to help the ex-assassin. Soon they would be together, as a group, stronger than ever. 

The Snap

Nova lost both Bucky and Loki in the snap. Left to be all alone for 5 years, she and Thor take refuge in the mountains in Switzerland with the Asgardians that were left in the universe. Creating New Asgard (located in the Bernese highlands in Switzerland) , and becoming the honorary leader over the Asgardian people. All the while trying to figure out how to find the scattered infinity stones that Thanos threw across the universe. Helping to find them after reuniting with the Avengers after so long. The final battle against Thanos was brutal, but when everyone appeared back again Nova was 2 steps away from bursting into tears. In her com, she could hear her good friend Sam, and even better yet, she heard loki and bucky again. 

"Hey doll, having a party without us?"

"I do hope not, darling."

That was all she needed to hear to push herself to kill Thanos once and for all. In the end instead of Tony sacrificing himself, she did in his stead. The stones flying around her like she had summoned them, attaching to her hand. She felt a rush of energy pour through her, it felt like she was being ripped apart and thrown together simultaneously. She snapped and thanos' army, much like she had watched her friends years ago, flew away in the dust. 

The last thing she heard before she passed out was Bucky and Loki's screams. 

She had no idea if she was alive or dead when she opened her eyes to this orange realm. In front of her stood her father, the same way he looked so long ago. "I am not your dad, Nova." Multiple voices spoke at once through the person that looked like her dad. "I could've guessed that." , she nervously laughed. "I am what is called, Lady Death. I reside here in the soul realm. I need you to do something for me, before you go back." Confusedly, Nova stepped closer, "what is it?" 

She woke up in a hospital room, everything bright white and it hurt her head. She saw a case full of the infinity stones right beside her, they were all floating to the side closest to her. Sitting up, she tore off the IVs and monitors connected to her, the wounds immediately healing. She opened the case and the stones started floating out of it, circling around her. The purple stone, also known as the power stone, floated and placed itself directly onto her chest, absorbing into her as her eyes and veins glowed in an identical hue to the stone. The other stones circled around her quicker now until she held her hand out, and motioned them towards the case again. Once they all flew in, they sealed it closed with her newfound energy. 

Just now noticing the loud clear beeping of the heart monitor she had ripped off her, nurses and doctors running into the room, as well as a few familiar faces. Nova stood up and turned around towards the sound of running people coming nearer. "Nova? Doll?" "My love… you're awake." 

A smile on her face as she laughed a little. "No, I'm just sleepwalking. What does it look like?" 

That night there was an amazing celebration of Nova's good health held by T'challa. That was also the night where Bucky and Loki pulled Nova away from the party, and asked if they could get married. 


  • Pet names are such a big thing for these three. My love, my prince, sarge, it's so sappy. 
  • They all adore dancing together. Each taking turns with each other. Nova loves to cheer Bucky and Loki on while they tango.
  • Bucky loves to cook, Novas the baker and Loki… watches. Please don't let them near anything. Especially the toaster. 
  • Nova treating Bucky and Loki to modern midgardian things, such as horror movies and music they've missed
  • Loki and Bucky adore hearing Nova sing or read to them. It's very calming and like a breath of fresh air.
  • If either of them have a nightmare or flashback, nova's go to is to sing a song to them. Usually its an old scottish song she learned from her childhood
  • Loki is the biggest flirt of the three, Bucky is shy but still flirts with the other two often. Nova sucks at taking hints and never notices when anyone is trying to flirt or hit on her. 
  • If they're cuddling, Nova prefers to be in the middle so she can have the perfect snuggles. Head buried into Bucky's chest and Loki's arm wrapped around her waist. 
  • If they all go on missions together (it doesn't happen often honestly, Nova is usually paired with Natasha or Cap) Nova never misses giving them a kiss before they seperate for the mission. She's deathly afraid of losing them again. 
  • Man i don't know who is more arm candy in this trio? They all like showing each other off because c'mon who wouldn't 
  • Nova is the first to tell them both that she loves them. Saying specifically to them both "don't ever be pressured to say it back"
  • Bucky prefers showing his love through his actions.
  • Loki on the other hand will say it all the time, he has never had people to say it to before.
  • Nova has a bad habit of taking home stray animals… they might have a pet jaguar named Keir
  • And obviously, they have Alpine. Cats are a big thing for them. 
  • Nova spoils the HELL out of them. To the point it becomes an issue sometimes
  • These bitches HORNY. Any chance they get to tease Nova they can and will. It's particularly bad during meetings.
  • Loki says the worst things in her head, and bucky gets very touchy feely
  • Btw, all of them are switches, but loki is a soft dom mostly. When bucky is dominant he is ROUGH. But the best is when Nova is dom. The boys cant handle overstimulation or teasing much at all 
  • Also having illusion magic really comes in handy when it comes to teasing bucky and loki, no i will not elaborate. 
  • They eventually have 4 kids, a set of twins (a girl and a boy) and then another girl and boy. 
  • They get married twice technically, having a traditionally asgardian wedding with ceremonial armor and are all officially crowned royalty
  • The other is a more traditional american/scottish mixture for Bucky's and Nova
  • Their wedding rings are 3 tiered, one each representing each of them. A green, purple and blue gem in their preferred ring. 
  • Nova gets sensory overload a lot at parties, and when that happens loki and bucky are on top of it. They understand the signs she presents. Kinda shutting down from the world so they'll either take her away from the party for a while, or go home. 
  • Nova gives Bucky and Loki a phone, with their own social media. Its hilarious 
  • "Darling, how does this tick tack thing work?" "Doll why does Twitter keep showing me art of… me. And sam." 
  • Loki loves braiding nova and bucky's hair. Especially if they have movie night and they just let him have at it.. It's so sweet 
  • You will never not see one of them not touching the other's. Holding hands, cheek smooches, rogue hands on the ass? A very normal sight. 
  • Nova is always the one to patch them both up, usually using her magic to quicken the healing, but while pregnant they will freak out and tell her not to use any magic on them. Because the babies need it more so
  • Instead of watching movies or tvs most of the time, one of the three will read to the others. Especially after a stressful mission.

Spicy Headcanons 

  • So straight out there, bucky is a switch, loki tends to be a top, and Nova is also a switch with bottom tendencies. 
  • The boys like to lavish her, but they both like control, because they done have it normally
  • And nova is more than willing to be controlled by them so 💕 win win 
  • Let's be honest though, they can all switch it up. These three are very creative and love to make things interesting.
  • Bucky's metal arm is practically a vibrator btw, he loves just sitting and watching either loki or nova as he uses it. Boy do they get loud 
  • Loki has an EXTREMELY  talented tongue in his lying alone, but he's great at giving head, and honestly prefers it because he has a great view of bucky and novas faces while going down on them. 
  • Nova has magic, and she can make them do whatever she wants with it. Edge 12 times before they can actually cum? Tie them up with magical ropes? Give herself a dick? Anything is possible. 
  • Lokis has a very high libido because he's a god, Bucky is above average due to the super serum, and for nova it depends on what stage the moon is at. Sometimes she's extremely energized because of the full moon or new moons she can only do a few rounds. But needless to say she can handle it all. 
  • Loki does love to switch forms to their feminine side, which often they will use as an opportunity to ride Bucky, which she loves so much. That or scissor Nova 
  • Oh and Nova has fucked her with a dick shes created for herself. 
  • Nova is the biggest tease. Helps to have the ability to speak on one's mind and also use magic to touch her loves whenever… and wherever. 
  • "Oh honey what's got you so hot and bothered?" "Cmon now handsome, focus on the mission and maybe we can continue."
  • Breeding kinks all around here- 
  • Bucky loves to see just how stuffed he can get loki and nova until they are dripping everywhere 
  • "You want more dolls? Wanna be completely filled with me? How could I say no to your begging?" 
  • Loki adores making bucky and nova beg though, he wants to feel powerful, in charge a lot. 
  • "You want my cock so bad? Why don't you use your pretty little mouth to beg, hm?" 
  • Meanwhile he's also a bratty bottom when he does end up on bottom, begging even more than nova or bucky could ever 
  • Novas probably got a knife kink. 
  • Voyeurism Mmm 
  • Loki likes to watch bucky and nova fuck, bucky likes to watch loki and nova, and nova loves it when bucky and loki fuck. 
  • Nova will tend to direct them, being bossy as can be the queen she is. 
  • Bucky loves to mark them, lots of love bites, it does also help that loki can be extremely sensitive to biting 
  • Loki is internally much colder than bucky and nova, bucky is almost the opposite but not to a drastic level. 
  • Novas got the perfect heating and cooling system 
  • Nova loves sucking their dicks, pussies, whatever. Obsessed with it seriously. 
  • Especially if she can be holding them just on the edge, or overstimulating them to Valhalla and back. 
  • "You've got a few more in you my darlings, trust me." 
  • Things get wild, Nova eventually asks for him to teach her that trick. 
  • Aftercare is very important for these three.
  • Usually Nova is very spent, very tired. So they clean her up, get her water, maybe a snack if she's hungry. 
  • Usually Novas out within thirty minutes of them finishing, snuggled with her head on loki's chest and holding bucky's arm thats wrapped around her
  • She's got the sweetest sort of cooing snores that make bucky and loki melt
  • Loki falls asleep after nova, he always wishes them the best of dreams in asgardian before he rests.
  • Bucky has more trouble sleeping, he gets very protective afterwards, and likes to make sure his darlings are safe and comfortable. 
  • He does eventually fall asleep with the warmth of Nova's body and the sound of the two people he loves most peacefully sleeping. 

Other Known Variants

Negative Nova 

Negative Nova, alternate evil iteration of our beloved darling. This Nova is nefarious for her corruption of the moon, too many nights like I had stated earlier of staring into the darkness and having it stare right back.

Being known as the Morbid Madame Nightshade, she is seen in her universe as the all powerful ruler. Anyone who opposes her, she quite literally will suck the energy out of their living bodies. Due to her early capture of the infinity stones and absorption of them into her body, as well as many powerful sorcerers like the Ancient one herself. She is feared through many realities. 

This Nova was instead brought up by the ancient one and learned her magical control through sorcery. But like i said, she had one too many sleepless nights in the moonlight that corrupted her very essence. She is ruthless, giving no mercy to her enemies and only in search for more power until none could oppose her. 

Negative Nova is with Sinister Strange, and they eventually are also paired with their variant of Dr. Róisin Healy. Negative Nova and Sinister Strange have an agreement to stay at each others side until the day Nova can bring back Red from her imprisoned state (please read reds profile to learn more about this variant)