


9 months, 22 days ago


Vispera is one of the dominant dragonesses in her group. she has the annoying habit of attacking the slightest intruder and tracking him down if necessary. It's better not to make her angry if you don't want to end up dead...

However, she can be very friendly with certain prey smaller than her.(with other dragons and perhaps humans if the latter existed in her world) She usually mostly talks to them about how she plans to eat them (it's very morbid) and she usually tells them in an extremely casual way that she plans to eat them. she is also extremely resentful and knows the principle of karma, so be careful not to upset her...

she also eats her living prey and kills them while eating (it's very disgusting but she only eats living prey) and although she loves meat, she also loves fruits and other edible things (but she prefers fresh meat)

she also likes to say all kinds of swear words and more or less shocking insults

since the loss of her sister, she dreams of taking revenge on her kidnappers (something she later succeeds in) she leaves with a scar that crosses her right eye (the latter is light green)

like all members of its species, she not only possesses fangs that inject paralyzing venom, but also poisonous saliva that can kill in seconds if it enters the bloodstream. if it's just on the body, it won't do anything more than sting a little