


9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


NAME: Maxine Carter
ALT NAMES: "The Monarch", Rift Queen
AGE: 22, 45 (timeskip)
BIRTHDAY: October 22
BUILD: 5'7" (5'11" w/ skates) • 142 lbs (147 lbs w/ skates)
ORIENTATION: Aromantic Bisexual

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
LIKES: younger brother, lollipops, soda pop (and the occasional beer), watermelon, electronic music
DISLIKES: repair costs, debt, cold temperatures, rubbing alcohol

OCCUPATION: odd jobs, rift queen (age 22), mechanic/owner of FX6 Repair Shop (age 45)



+ friendly + persistent + open + sincere
- daredevil - blunt - cocky - headstrong

Destructive, aloof, and headstrong, Maxine is practically a recipe for disaster. Due to her often (seemingly) oblivious nature, she charges into situations without thinking and often engages herself in reckless battles just for the thrill of the ride. Her aggressive nature tends to get her and others into trouble, but she really is warmhearted to the people she knows who can put up with her violent habits. Open and loudmouthed, she often comes off as someone completely dense or simple-headed when it comes to serious matters. Even so, she remains honest and optimistic despite all her bluntness.

Since the decline in her brother's health, however, Maxine has become much more agitated than she used to be. To compensate, she's been seeking outlets for her anxiety, now milder in her normal behavior but much more prone to outburst.

(At age 45, she's mellowed out, for better or worse. She maintains a snarky sense of humor despite seeming more tired, and is more than willing to put you in a headlock as a form of greeting.)


Maxine grew up in a relatively stable relationship with her mother and father all the way throughout high school, keeping up with her grades and maintaining a firm and rather positive outlook on life. After her younger brother was put in the hospital, she swore to herself to be strong in his place as he recovered. Life at college, however, changed her; suddenly faced by the overwhelming thing known as "independence", Maxine grew more and more self-conscious of her image in front of her new peers, afraid of appearing too bookish and thus "weak" in their eyes. Her actions became increasingly reckless as a result in her quest to prove herself as a more "capable" person, driving her to constantly change her appearance and personality to suit the needs of the people around her. Losing herself in this mess, Max's grades plummeted, forcing her to drop out much to the shame of her parents. Too late to take back the mistakes she'd made, Maxine now lives an uncomfortable relationship with her parents and avoids them as much as she can, at least until she thinks she's ready to reconcile with them.

She still visits her brother now and again.


  • There is a silver bell around her neck that she wears at all times - a gift from her younger brother before she left. She doesn't wear it as visibly as she did in the past and keeps it tucked away in her shirt, but it is still an ever-present trinket that she is quite protective of.
  • She has two tattoos of chrysanthemums on her back, and have expanded over the years. She binds occasionally (moreso in her youth, mostly to help with the efficiency of her tricks).
  • Maxine's old "residence" consisted of a shed near the junkyard. The scrapyard is also her practice ground - the gouges in the ground and metal are evidence of this.
  • Max used to smoke. She still does sometimes, actually, but she really dislikes having to. Lollipops have been a consistent alternative.
  • Her skates have been nicknamed "danainae" and are built out of a sturdy but heavy material. It's hard on the knees, but these skates really pack a punch when it comes to momentum.
  • (Age 45) Despite her lower back/leg injuries, Maxine will sometimes still attempt to sneak out for a ride (much to Finch's panic). Even if she isn't risking her health, there will be days where she'll disappear without warning from the repair shop, leaving Finch in charge. She keeps her old skates and regalia tucked away somewhere in the back of the shop, though Finch has no clue where they are.
  • (Age 45) Though her days of doing odd jobs are long over, she's still very willing to arm wrestle for a little extra cash. Don't get her really going though. She will hit you with that cane.