Tamela Aysun



6 years, 3 months ago


Tamela Aysun

“Baroness of War” Protector of the Kanto region

Meaning “she who basks in the sun; beautiful as the moon.“

Species: Victini

Type: Fire/Psychic

Sex: Female.

Relationship status: Single

Sexuality: Asexual (Grayromantic).


Brash, loud and quick to garner attention, Tamela is a troublemaker of the highest esteem. One of the Younger members of the pantheon but also one of the most powerful, she gained her place by proving her strength, perseverance and willpower. She is quick to say her opinions on topics but will also listen to the feedback of her peers. Tamela is a hunter and ruthless warrior above all else, giving no mercy to her enemies believing that only the victor gets the spoils of war. She is very frigid towards those who do not show respect to those of a higher station, especially to those who disrespect her charges or those of lady Andraste’s as well as the Lady herself. She has a very short fuse to her temper and is quick to throw the first punch. Weapons, armor and items forged of fire are the best offerings to give her. She believes mortals should heed the warnings of those with higher powers but not be stifled by it, There are many solutions to any given problem.

Ability: Victory Star

Birthday: August 21st; Zodiac - Leo

Age: adult ( Unknown ).

Height || Weight: 2’ 0” || 15 lbs.

Moves:  Ask her

History: -Locked-

Fun Fact: Tamela is closest to Andraste & Amaterasu,