Samorn Valdis



6 years, 4 days ago


True Form of "Jezebeth"

Samorn Valdis 

“Matron of the Blessed Sky” Leader of the Current Pantheon

Meaning “beautiful and beloved; goddess of the slain in battle”

Species: Blue star Jirachi

Type: Psychic/Steel

Sex: Female.

Relationship status: Married.

Sexuality: Polysexual (male-lean; Panromantic).


Empathetic and wise, Samorn is one of the oldest of the current pantheon of legendaries, also one of the most trusted. She is methodical yet patient with those around her, knowing full well that growth requires those who will it to put themselves in rough positions. Not one to rush headlong into battles, she is one to research and understand her opponents beforehand. She does have a deep disdain for people who judge others solely on appearance, she will quickly judge and look down upon others who do this. Samorn can be blunt with her words choosing to be upfront with her intentions while trying to be genuine. She enjoys sweet foods and drinks as such these are the best offerings to give her. She truly believes everyone is special in their own way. She loves to share stories of her life and events that have happened with her fellow pantheon members.

Ability: Serene Grace

Birthday: February 24th ;; Zodiac - Pisces

Age: adult ( Unknown ).

Height || Weight: 3’ 6” || 40 lbs.

Moves:  Ask her

History: -Locked-

Fun Fact: Samorn is closest to Andraste & Arglwydd