


5 years, 10 months ago



NameRyah Lairne
Themelink a song


Charisma★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Kindness★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Integrity★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Caution★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Intelligence★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆


BirthdayNovember 6 (Scorpio)
Skinpalely tanned
Hairpinkish red


Coming from another world (not Earth, and is currently unnamed due to irrelevance), Ryah was a victim of world-jumping when she was 20, an occurrence not uncommon in the world of Aeriskaal due to the rabid world-jumpers who can't fight their urge to do the ol' "jump, grab, and run" (for further context, essentially urges to randomly world jump to a random world and grab onto whoever before jumping back to Aeriskaal, then quickly running so they're not caught). To say Ryah was shaken was a bit of an understatement, and because of that and the immediate fleeing of the world jumper, she didn't catch their face (not that it's relevant). Nevertheless, she had been world jumped into a weird area that wasn't as populated as anyone would've hoped, which was quite rare due to the reason it was a well known fact that world-jumped victims were a common problem and that everyone was prompted to help anyone who seemed lost and not from the world. She had to wander around from near morning (when she had been jumped to the world) until sundown when she finally stumbled upon Varicus, a village along the outskirts of Aeriskaal. There she found people who were actually aware of what was going on and filled her in on where she was and her circumstances. She soon settled into a house they had that had been vacated recently (she heard it was because of a shapeshifter and their guardian had left to live with her some relatives now that she no longer had to live there, but she didn't look too much into it for obvious reasons). 

About two months later after she finally felt a bit more at home in Varicus and getting hooked up to a proper cell network for her phone that was miraculously compatible with Aeriskaal's, she caught a very contagious disease that all Aeriskaal natives are immune to, so after showing symptoms when she was out and about in the village, she was sent to the village's physician , Ethernis. Because her case was more serious than normal, she was forced to see him more frequently and him making frequent house calls since it was safer than Ryah going out to see him and potentially getting others sick in the process, thus leading them to be closer and more open to each other since there were times the disease was really riling her up and he needed to stay at her place for constant medical attention if she needed it (which she did). She was treated for about a month and a half until she got the okay that while she was no longer able to get others sick, that she should still be wary if for whatever reason the disease comes back. (She gets kind of paranoid because of it and checks in a couple times to make sure she's not sick again and even though she isn't, he does a full runthrough for her anyways so it calms her nerves). There are a few times where she checks in afterwards even though she knows she's not sick but for the reason she wants to see him again and needed a good excuse, but he catches on after the first time she tried it because she really sucks at lying. He doesn't particularly mind because Varicus doesn't get a lot of sick people anyways so it wasn't like he had more important matters to attend to and eventually after him calling her bluff after the third time (because despite how cute it was that she was going through all this trouble to find an excuse to talk, Ryah literally did the same thing every time and it gets a bit repetitive) and asks "so we both know you're not going to be sick again so why go through all the trouble to do the same routine three times-- you could've just asked to talk or--" before she just blurts out "I'M TRYING TO WORK UP THE COURAGE TO ASK YOU OUT STOP CALLING ME OUT!" really fast and it's a bit silent until they just both laugh with the conversation ending with trading phone numbers and Ethernis accepting her indirect offer of a date. It's all very cute and cheesy and they've been together for about seven years now.

After a couple years of living in Varicus and some prompting from Ethernis, she submitted a job request for Relquis, a school (though had more of the likes of an academy) that a majority of the kids who desired an education would go to (it has a bit of a fee to get in since it has some characteristics of an academy like I said; direct family members get a bit of a discount though which is good and does lead to some cases of people lying, though it's not often). She had applied for a counselor job, which was one of the two main jobs that were open (the other one was a teacher, but she didn't really feel up to par to take on a job to teach a class of rowdy kids). A few weeks go by, she gets accepted, etc etc she normally deals as a reassurer and deals with a lot of world jumped victims who have difficulty fitting in like she did, but she doesn't normally have to deal with rowdy kids who need a good finger wagging and stuff. She's happy where she is right now, even though she had to leave her whole family and life behind. (Also, her and Ethernis get married in the future and have a kid, but it's currently not canon time)

☀ Personality

  • bubbly and sweet
  • somehow (usually at least) knows exactly what to say when you're upset- she tries to show that she cares in small ways and she remembers the little things
  • Tries to remember everything so she doesn't upset anyone, but sometimes she forgets and it makes her worried (she's also a good  shoulder to cry on)
  • kind of like that big sister character in a show


  • floral/flowers


  • weeds
  • her incapability to grow pretty flowers



2345267?1529449329Ethernis Thael

boyfriend, to be husband in the future





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