Benji Hsiao



6 years, 3 months ago


to the moon, and never back.


Full Name: benjamin hsiao
Nickname: benji (never ben or benny)
Gender: cis boy
Sexuality: bi
Species: were-rabbit
Ethnicity: half taiwanese half white
Age: 23
Birthday: may 26
MBTI: entp
Extras: vegetarian, has Gay Moms, apparently never sleeps at night, has a photographic memory, nearsighted, has severe adhd.

bunny boy with an affinity for the stars and the secrets the government is keeping. he’s your typical college kid, into junk food and bad sleep schedules. he’s got a lot of homework to do, so please don’t give him a reason to distract himself– or do! but it better be a good one.


Height: 5'7
Build: ectomorph, doesnt do shit to bother with being healthy, basically lives off black coffee and fritos and pizza and its clear.
Hair: unruly fluffy black waves, no sense to it, usually just left free, sometimes theres glasses in there, sometimes a top bun or ponytail (#topknottuesdays)
Eyes: dark, almost black
Apparel: Lazy Boy. sweaters, layers of t shirts/flannels, jeans, converse, hoodies, hes boring. he likes blue theres a lot of it in his wardrobe. clothes are nearly always wrinkled and/or dirty. hands usually have a few bandaids around some fingers from papercuts.
Details: freckles on his cheekies and shoulders, a good few cliche constellation tattoos, big hands. left handed, always has blue pen ink smeared on the outer edge of his left hand. kinda big teeth


Personality: speedy mc clutter man who talks Much Too Fast. he’s got a conspiracy theory for just about everything and a superstition to counter it and practices about half of em. do prepare for him to tell you about each and every one. has absolutely no concept of a sleep schedule and it shows.
Mannerisms: bites and twists his lips, taps his feet, taps his pens on counters, runs his thumbs over the corners of paperback books repeatedly
Hobbies: never sleeping and instead just floating from cafes to pizza places and back and forth and back etc etc, staring at star maps for hours, telling people how the government is lying to them
Ineptitudes: gets arrested for trespassing a lot, talks so fast hes nearly incoherent, Runs from any confrontations
Likes: black coffee, when the eye rests on his telescopes are really clean, cool looking bandaids
Dislikes: being called ben or benny, wasted time, people touching his very expensive and well maintained telescopes


Form: a cute little black and white speckled lop bunny
Abilities/Talents: he just can turn into a bunny its really nothing spectacular.
Limitations: absolutely no fight response he just Run… also a fear of water


raised an only child by two loving moms in berkeley, california, who happily indulged his celestial fixations. hes decided to transfer to a less human school to finish up a couple semesters of more general studies and have some fun doin it! this might be a little too fun… this might not be such a good plan.

