Kano Rei



6 years, 4 days ago


kneel before me.


Full Name: kano rei
Nickname: rei, boss
Gender: cat
Sexuality: murder
Species: bakeneko
Ethnicity: japanese
Age: ???
Birthday: april 4th
MBTI: entj
Extras: can fall asleep anywhere, extreme resting bitch face, speaks english, japanese, and russian.

tiny yet terrifying head waitress of her own cafe, a very old cat demon who’ll kick your ass if you step out of line. if she likes you, you’ll know that she’s just a big, lazy tublord at heart.


Height: 4'9
Build: petite and chubby. thick legs and arms, rolly tummy.
Hair: long, thick, reddish brown, curly/wavy.
Eyes: yellowy green, have that weird feline glow
Apparel: skirts and thick socks and soft sweaters. likes to wear shades of purple. basically collects rainboots and wears them no matter what.
Details: fuzzy all over, sharp teeth, keen senses (esp. sight smell and hearing), smells like rust and fresh coffee and baked goods.


Personality: blunt, rude, and violent to nearly everyone, a little less spiky and a little more lapcat to those she trusts. extremely loyal to her friends. very physically affectionate.
Mannerisms: always moving around, often tapping a foot or clacking her nails/claws against a counter, squints at things a lot
Hobbies: sneaking into peoples houses to commit petty thievery, sleeping for 30 straight hours, eavesdropping, beating people up
Ineptitudes: far too quick of a temper, cant sit still, extremely bossy
Likes: raw meat, digging her claws into something squishy, sleeping
Dislikes: deep water, loss of control, silence


Form: human, half human half cat (a set of ears, a fluffy tail, sharp pointed teeth, finger and toenails swapped for retractable claws, whiskers, and more yellow eyes with elongated pupils.), full cat (medium dog sized, very fluffy, calico), demon (human sized cat made entirely of shadows and black fire, only glowing yellow eyes and toothy maw as visible details)
Abilities/Talents: super strong and fast, can kill nearly anything shed please to, basically immortal
Strengths: killing and eating things, not harmed by normal weapons, good at knives
Weaknesses: any blessed/otherwise holy-fied metal will hurt her


the old legends tell tales of cats who’ve grown old in the good care of a human turning into fearful and powerful demons. kano rei can tell you that those legends are true. she was one of the oldest cats in her small village, and one day she went to sleep and woke up different– a killer kind of different. she had become a fabled bakeneko. the very first night, she ate her former owners, and destroyed a good chunk of the village. from there, the new and dangerous yokai spent a few hundred years rampaging and pillaging, possessing and killing and eating humans, doing general demon-y things. the beginning of those centuries are now lost to her memory, and any attempt to recollect them is near impossible. she does not remember where she originated, but she ‘woke up’ somewhere near present day kyoto in the asuka period. she spent the next couple centuries running around the country and continuing to wreak havoc. rei and her legend are still popular in the social circles of the guardian lines, she is lauded (in her opinion) and feared as one of the most powerful bakeneko to ever live. she has held onto her bloodlust and never tires of speaking about how evil and violent and powerful she is, even though she hasn’t has a good rampage in a few decades.

at one point she grew tired of dealing with the guardians coming after her, and defected to what is now mamono. she didn’t know it was already inhabited by a fairy, or that she would become friends with her, or that she would grow to be a pillar of the island’s government, but sometimes life just happens.

