Claire & Magenta



7 months, 22 days ago



Name Claire & Magenta Brea
Age 27
Orientation Bi Sapphic
Gender Demigirl
Race Mutant Symbiont
Background Escaped Experiment
Personality Mild-mannered


  • Poetry
  • Hunting
  • Gambling
  • DIY Crafts


  • Authoritarians
  • Cold weather
  • Isolation
  • Enclosed spaces


THIS BIO IS OUTDATED SHE HAS CHANGED A LOT FYI THIS PAGE IS IN PROGRESS Raised in Nevada in 21st century Earth, Claire spent most of her life in and out of shaky and questionable living situations, short term relationships, and a long complicated history of self-destructive indulgence. They'd gone through the entirety of their 20's picking up odd jobs and side hustles to offset what she'd feel was a cruel economy. A patchy relationship with alcohol, gambling her earnings, and an unstable network of pawned valuables and loans. A week as any other participating in a test group for new medication, an uncontrollable rash would overtake her body, driving her temperature to near fatal levels.

Carried off to a private department in her local hospital, then eventually shipped off to a black site in her sleep. Familiarizing herself with her parasite for the first time, both enduring a menagerie of unethical experiments shedding light on their nature and condition. Vivisection, psychological studies, blood sampling, an an unending amount of sensory tests, gleaning out the information it was some sort of microbe that could take control of mitochondria and genetic information independently of her cells, mutating outside of its intended purpose. Codependent and living within her bloodstream, manifesting itself through deep red veins.

Waking up in the frigid cold of a morgue's storage. Door at the end of her feet ajar, kicking and climbing herself out to find she was pronounced dead, complete with a tag of her time of death. A morgue that looked like any other, seemingly outside of the black site. Stealing a change of clothes and finding the nearest emergency exit, Claire would start running, only stopping when the silhouette of the buildings would recede into nothing. A slow march to the end of the long bridge, dimly lit by pallid streetlights. There was no end for what felt like days or months, wandering an empty slab of concrete all the way to the parking lot of an abandoned building. Losing her grip on reality, forgetting why she was walking for so long.

Without her knowledge, she'd entered Unreality, where things recede into dreams and nightmares before fading away completely. The constant threat of the eerie liminal spaces changing around her, faded memories of people reaching out to attack her, the parasite would fully manifest itself through bony spiked protrusions, a split maw, protective layer of armored flesh raising to the surface of her skin, and sharp claws. As long as she'd be under any sort of perceived duress, the mutations would remain, only receding when the parasite would deem her safe. Currently in a period of adjustment, as her parasite is starting to grow, change, become more vocal and inquisitive.

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