Valerie Lachance



5 years, 11 months ago


Nickname Val
Age 21
prn they/xe
height 4' 11''
origin Europe (?)
color Yellow
identity enby lesbian
Status Active
Val is a sheltered scientist, and a bit too stubborn for their own good. A gifted prodigy and full-time honor student, Val is severely lacking in the social skills department, but tries their best. Born in a close-knit and well-off family, they’ve devoted all their 21 years of age to hard studying. Despite appearances, though, Valerie is known to be incredibly bold and determined, and knows when to tell you what they think. 

Strengths: proficiency in broad fields of science, natural agility, pleasant aura and friendliness, pacifism (whenever possible)
extremely naive and impressionable, mentally/physically weak, impulsive, impostor syndrome, oftentimes overbearing
Other Traits: endless curiosity, stubbornness
Etymology: Valerie; to be strong/brave, from valor/valiance, Lachance -> la chance, French for "luck"
Inspiration: (Pinterest Board)

If it isn't already obvious... I put a lot of myself into Val! They're something of a self-insert, since they're the first OC I've made in recent years, hehe. I don't have their same appearance or trauma word-for-word, of course, but in the appearance department, I kinda designed them like what I "wanted to look like" at the time, I guess. Which to me was "very ambiguous and very yellow". I gave Val khaki pants and made them tuck their shirt in because they're a nerd. Their moles are based on the moles I have in real life, they're just in different places here they're more noticeable on Val. Their weird bangs are reminiscent of an old hairstyle I used to have back in middle school, likewise with the hair length. You may be asking, "Ami, what's that weird tiny over-shirt on their normal outfit," and the answer is "they want to appear ambiguous and having an extra layer to hide your chest just that teensy bit more gives them mental quarter".