


9 months, 9 days ago


First Name: Verdana 

Last Name: Everblossom 

Title: Gardener Of Memories 

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (Most likely as old as Kazkina which is…really damn old.)

Species: Deity

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Birthday: Unknown 

Eye Color: Blue 

Hair Color: Verdant Green

Skin tone: Gray 

Height: 310 ft 

Weight: 1,856,264.976 lbs

Powers/Abilities: Memory Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Pocket Dimension Creation, Impenetrable gate creation, telepathy, Roots of life growing, Antler regeneration and extension, Being a damn giant, Life Manipulation, Healing, Precognition, Immense Power Bestowal, Mind reading, the ability to make scarlet thorns, being a giant, able to shrink down to a human size, the ability to look like herself except as a different species (so a human version of herself for example), the ability to make trials for anyone who meets her, and emotion sensing.

Weapons: No weapon

Favorite Food(s): Peppers

Favorite Drink(s): Apple Juice

Favorite Color(s): Nature Green

Favorite Season(s): Spring

Favorite Holiday(s): Easter

Fear: Fungus

Personality: She is kind, compassionate, motherly, and wise, always eager to help others and provide them with whatever they may need or want from her garden. However, she is also stern when necessary, and won't tolerate any disrespect, harm to her beloved flowers, or violation of her rules. She is very protective of her garden and the life within it, and will do whatever it takes to keep her visitors and her garden safe. She values courage, selflessness, compassion, and wisdom above all else. She has the kind and gentle personality of a wise and gracious woman who loves to tend to her garden and help her visitors navigate through life and find fulfillment and peace. However, she can also be....somewhat spiteful. It's hard to get her to forgive someone, especially if it's someone she doesn't know or doesn't like. She also has a playful spirit, always enjoying little jokes and making her visitors feel comfortable when they visit, showing a mix of this and her sternness whenever she's around Hanoct, since she both has to keep him and his chaos in check but also really appreciates his company and finds his antics very funny and endearing. Verdana may possibly have feelings for Hanoct, maybe. She is patient and understanding of her visitors' emotions, always offering her advice and guidance with understanding, love, and kindness. But she has shown to be sly, tricking Hanoct in a deal that meant he had to tend to her garden for as long as she said....and her garden is practically the entire dimension itself. Just...don't mess with nature. It might fight back.

Alignment: Good 

Backstory: Verdana Everblossom is a deity similar to Kazkina. She is the Gardner Of Memories, and grows an never-ending garden of flowers. Spirit Sunflowers, Memory Marigolds, ect. Each person throughout every dimension has a flower that blooms the moment they're born. For those who find Verdana's Garden, they can see their own flower, and the flower shows every memory of that person's life, as each pedal falls off whenever a memory is forgotten until that person dies, causing the flower to wilt away. Along with that, there are trees of life, the roots expanding to the multiverse to give life to beings. She is aware of Kazkina, the God Of Dimensions, and doesn't have a good opinion of it. She sees it as a destructive force of nature, and doesn't let it near her garden, even being wary of those who have seen it. But, when a hero explains how he wants to save multiple dimensions....She's willing to help. If you pass her trials, now only will she give you a gift that depends on the person...but she lets you into her garden. Her world. A place where your dreams become reality and peace is neverending. A truly ethereal world of dreams. 

As you may have noticed, I haven't said much on her past. This is because she wasn't ever really born, more of brought into existence the moment the mind/consciousness became reality. Despite that, she still has something. Verdana would go to different worlds to watch over the lives of others simply to make sure everything was okay, simply going by Dana and becoming whatever species inhabited the dimension she was in, but she would specifically go to others struggling with mental health and would sometimes bring them to her garden to make them feel even a little bit better. This doesn't mean she's immune to emotional struggles herself, since she's pretty tied to memory and emotions, she's one of very few deities (who was a deity for their whole life cough cough hanoct) who has both emotions and morality. To any person having a rough time, she would leave them a flower. These flowers aren't her memory flowers, but they never wilt or die. They exude a feeling of calming and protection, and she also has them so that whenever they make good memories or had good memories, the flower would make them remember those. So while they don't hold memories themselves, they do make someone remember their own memories.