Reymera (Notes)



8 months, 27 days ago


Notes, not yet translated to her profile:

Ship Notes:

  • Very much a one sided love at first sight/infatuation on her part.
    • Despite being a walking talking red flag he sets off no warning bells in her head
    • It’s fucking weird
  • He views this as an opportunity to bring someone to his side in case the others disagree with/turn on him for whatever reason
    • Picks her as his "target" after the incident with Alfira. Since, out of everyone else in the group so far, she is in no position to pass judgement.
    • Doesn't really like her much when they first meet.
    • Backfires on him hilariously later on.
  • She bristles a bit over Araj, the drow in Moonrise.
    • Tells her to ask him about what he wants to do, he's a grown ass man and his own person after all.
    • Though she does question it when he declines her offer.
    • Which sparks the later conversation where his initial intentions towards Reymera come to light.
  • Said conversation involves him thanking her for treating him like a person and pushing him to make his own choices. Opens up a bit about how he'd do things for his master and just repress his disgust over it.
    • Her dumbass: "And why did you sleep with me?"
    • Him: "I needed someone on my side and seducing you was easy. So imagine my surprise when I started to genuinely feel something for you."
    • She wishes she'd never asked. It hurts a lot to hear but she isn't exactly surprised.
    • She fucking hates herself for not seeing it though. If anything, it helps to confirm how she'd already felt about herself.
    • He was just doing what came naturally to him, because, survival mode.
    • And she just, shows him care and support. Because she does care after all.
  • She does not let the hurt show, but it does come up after her unfriendly Fey tries to force her into killing him a couple days later.
    • Because, well, people are honest when they're terrified.
    • And she was fucking terrified.
  • He uses removing the Fey as an argument towards completing the ritual while he's still mulling over what he wants to do.
    • She still disagrees with the idea. Hard.
    • Though if he did end up going through with it she'd agree to the idea afterwards.
  • After the end of the story, Reymera has to adjust her sleep schedule to account for his not so minor issue with the sun.
    • And get used to the rest of his side effects
    • She forgets to invite him inside a few times and her neighbors start thinking he's just a creep hanging outside her door until a. she catches on and b. he fucking says something to her about it.
  • Some fifty or so years after the story ends while hunting down a relic Reymera ends up getting bitten and infected when the search takes her into a vampire den.
    • Given her history, Rey'd volunteered to serve as a distraction. Did not 100% go the way the group had anticipated, but as a result some of the party get out relatively unharmed.
      • "There's only one time where her guard will be down. We've got a short window, better make it count."
      • And, they got the artifact after killing the lady who bit her during the act itself so it wasn't an entire loss.
    • The trip back home is rather long and full of cave hiding though.
    • Queue a long, uncomfortable conversation with Astarion after she gets home about them being eternally stuck with one another.
    • He generally goes with her for work but had his own issues to deal with at the time. Not that he could have prevented it.
    • "I can't leave you alone for five minutes can I?"
    • She makes a comment along the lines of "at least the change doesn't do much to my appearance, my eyes were already red. Right?"
  • Reymera does kick herself for it for a while afterwards, given the past experiences they'd had killing vampires.
  • But, there is a bright side, the whole ordeal dealt the the Fey issue.
    • Because she'd technically died the Fey left her.
  • Makes the next meetup with the surviving members of their party that much funnier.
    • "We know what you were planning to do, so, did you wish reeeeeeally hard?"

  • Act 1
  • Aside from some flirting and her allowing him to feed off her, their "relationship" doesn't really start until after the party settles the issue between the Goblins/Teiflings/Druids.
  • The celebration afterwards serves as the perfect opportunity for him to get her wrapped around his finger.
  • Relationship is fairly superficial to begin with.
    • He is trying to get something out of her after all.
    • Pointed flirting, no active attempts to share any of his own personal information.
      • Save for his scars, there's isn't much of a window to skirt around that.
    • Lack of interest in her outside of manipulations to keep her interested/attentive.
    • He actually doesn't really even like her when it all begins, she's just a potential opportunity and a means to an end.
    • "Seducing you was surprisingly easy."
  • Act 2
  • It starts to actually grow into something as the party travels through the Shadow Cursed Lands (act 2)
    • Their dynamic changes noticeably. Even more so after dealing with Raphael and Araj.
      • Neither of them really know how to be in an actual partnership with someone else.
      • It's awkward, but kind of cute if you're an outside party.
    • Less pointed flirting and more real dialogue. 
    • Actually lets her learn little bits about him.
    • He's willing to actually spend time in her company.
    • He drops the seduction angle all together.
      • In general, things take a "there are other forms of intimacy than just sex." angle.
      • Especially after he'd opened up about the feelings of disgust about it during their little heart to heart. 
      • You know, the one where he opens up about his trauma a few days before she attempts to kill him.
  • Act 3
    • There's actually a friendship that's grown under all of this, thus making their interactions with one another that much smoother.

  • She’s supportive of him, but will call him on his bullshit when the situation calls for it.
  • When he makes the comment about no longer remembering what he looked like before and not being able to see himself the way he is now Rey decides to do a sketch of him. 
    • It takes a few days. She tries to do it without him noticing.
    • Did a variation of it with a fucked up nose to dissuade him from snooping through her sketchbook.
  • Heights 
    • Astarion 5'9"
    • Reymera 5'5"