


9 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info


Deity of Rebirth || Deity Emperor


"Young" technically. A "newborn" deity, however, due to certain circumstances, this isn't entirely true. (Consider him to be in his late 20s!)


Male (He/Him)


Very friendly and rather silly. Though he appears to be quite elegant and regal, his personality is not at all isolated and distant. Instead, he treats all as if they've been friends forever. A very unusual disposition for a deity, and especially so since he seems to hold genuine care and worry for humanity. However, there seems to be oddities in him somehow, though it's really uncertain as to /what/ isn't quite right with him.


Deity, takes form of a dragon, a mortal, or a mix of both (as seen)



A relatively young deity, the youngest one of them all, in fact. Despite this, Shi'Hu is recognized as the Emperor among all the deities, however, many don't see him that way and some even have their qualms about it. Regardless, he is still not to be disrespected and treated accordingly. The reasoning of his Emperor status is quite simple, really. That is, Shi'Hu is the reborn form of the previous Deity Emperor, Yven'faal. The rite and his godhood, which many had expected to fall on an elder deity after Yven'faal's scattering, had, in fact, been placed upon Shi'Hu's head. Most had witnessed Yven'faal's scattering, as his physical and spiritual body began to disperse in Heaven's aura. However, shortly after, those same witnesses felt Heaven's aura begin to draw in energy and power from the air and their bodies into a single point, a most terrifying feeling for the deities. Eventually, after one hundred years, the cluster of energy had come to it's peak, and solidified. From that, Shi'Hu was "born."

It was supposed to be a joyous day of celebration, but the air in Heaven that day was as if end was awaiting. Yven'faal was a tyrant Deity. A cruel and merciless being who would scatter deities who had opposed him. No matter how many resented and feared him, there was nothing to be done, for Yven'faal's power was an unmatched, bottomless pit. To be honest, though many had witnessed his scattering, no one knows the cause of it. Months prior to his scatter, his behavior became more and more erratic, a deep madness dwelling within his eyes. Eventually, that madness scattered his spirit, and destroyed his body. Because of this mystery, and Shi'Hu's subsequent mysterious "birth" many held fear—believing Shi'Hu to be Yven'faal's intact spirit.

A strange, bright moon

"What the hell?!" Were the first words Mingyue yelped out upon seeing himself. 

When he had first awoken, his eyes were blurry, and his body heavy, as if he'd been struck by a truck. In fact, that was the last thing he remembered, actually. Originally born as 银明月 (Yín Míngyuè), Mingyue was an overworked, 28 year old sales manager with a blinding debt. He'd been up for 48 hours at this point, working frantically for his job, both at the worksite itself and even taking his work home. He was exhausted out of his mind. He'd would have quit long ago if it weren't for the fact that it paid decently, and the neverending debt left by his shitty parents that seemed to always loom over his head. He simply didn't have the option to, and such, drudged home on foot in the dead of night, his vision wavering and his steps fumbling. As his body swayed while slowly crossing the road home, he recalled seeing a light growing brighter and brighter and then... Nothing. He'd awakened here, in a strange, yet incredibly breathtaking garden. And then, he took a "step." Or so he thought. He felt his body floating, as there was no feeling beneath his feet. That was when he noticed that his lower half was not quite right. Between his frantic shouts and the sounds of rushing wind, everything was in chaos. The next thing he knew, he was surrounded by other beings similar to himself, a human-ish being with draconic features. It was then that he'd learned that he, or rather, this body, was a deity. Not only that, HE was the new Deity Emperor.

To say Mingyue was under a lot of pressure was an understatement. The other deities had rushed over when they felt the shockwave of energy from the cluster "hatching." Upon seeing Mingyue, many were wary and incredibly guarded. However, they soon discovered that this new deity was... entirely unlike the tyrant, Yven'faal. This new deity was just entirely too naive and fearful to be acting. The deities there had also swept over this new deity's energy and checked him thoroughly, yet oddly enough, not a trace of Yven'faal was to be found. It was true, a new deity had been formed. This new deity seemed to be overly friendly, and not at all held any sort of majestic baring that an Emperor should, though, strangely, many of the deities did not mind it. In fact, some found it even novel, a change from the usual pompous and distant personalities most deities had. They gave him the name "Shi'Hu" which simply meant something along the lines of "new spirit." Though the deities there couldn't really understand Shi'Hu's odd behavior and his overt care for the mortals on Earth, they'd eventually and subconsciously lowered their guard around him. He seemed to truly mean no harm and held genuine care for both the deities and the humans they looked after. However, there has been doubts by a few of the more observant deities. Though there seems to be no crack or change in behavior, every so often Shi'Hu would give off a strange feeling, though to what exactly was so strange, none could really point out. Shi'Hu himself doesn't seem to even notice this.


  • The supposed scattered Yven'faal shares a body with Shi'Hu. The "strange feeling" that some would feel is the shift to when Yven'faal takes over the unknowing Shi'Hu, however, Yven'faal mimics Shi'Hu's mannerisms perfectly.
  • Yven'faal is in Shi'Hu's subconscious. He can see and hear everything Shi'Hu does/thinks, but can't actually do anything while Shi'Hu is "awake." It's because of this that Yven'faal is able to perfectly mimic Shi'Hu. Shi'Hu doesn't know that Yven'faal's there, but Yven'faal knows that Shi'Hu's actions are not at all influenced by his own thoughts/actions which leads him to recognize that Shi'Hu is NOT his incarnation in the slightest (alongside the fact that he's still there) and that Shi'Hu is a different being entirely.
  • Shi'Hu is able to remember the things Yven'faal does when he falls "unconscious" but because Yven'faal is so good at mimicking, and because his mind is subconsciously effected by Yven'faal's actions, he believes it to be himself this whole time.
  • It is important to note that while Shi'Hu and Yven'faal share a body, they are NOT the same person. Shi'Hu/Mingyue is an entirely different being who happened to blue skidoo into Heaven's energy cluster and became a deity, NOT Yven'faal's incarnation or anything of that sort.
  • Yven'faal is subconsciously affected by Shi'Hu. Despite his initial hatred and resentment of his situation, he finds himself occasionally being affected by Shi'Hu's silliness and stupid actions, much to his distress. Even Shi'Hu's kindness is slowly beginning to affect his thoughts, though, not by much. However, he refuses to acknowledge this.
  • No one knows this, not even Shi'Hu himself or Yven'faal, but Shi'Hu was always meant to be Mingyue. Mingyue didn't actually take over anyone's "body" like he (and Yven'faal) believe. It's more accurate to say that Heaven's energy cluster called his spirit to itself, and his spirit is what caused the cluster to "give birth" to a new deity.

Things to note specifically for forum games:

  • Shi'Hu is entirely unaware of Yven'faal's existence within his shared body. He will not understand any mention of him. Likewise, please don't outright mention him being there in games! Yven'faal is meant to be an incredibly hidden being, implications are absolutely fine! Just please don't just be super outright with it is all I'm asking. q vq/
  • Shi'Hu is a modern man that was pulled back into a Deity's body (and their world is something akin to a more older/ancient Earth) so he'll understand modern references, he just pretends he doesn't around other deities, of course. He's been so good with keeping up this act, sometimes he forgets this fact himself, honestly.