
8 months, 29 days ago


Atlas Venuen Kadupul



Biromantic (pref: men) asexual

He/Him - Transgender (FTM)

^Wings can shrink on command depending on what space he needs to fit through or how chunky they need to be to keep him warm.

^His bag can also double as some form of backpack, usually with a striped pattern instead of a spotty pattern.

*Quiet, timid, and heavily antisocial. He hates getting conversations sprung at him without warning and often stops being able to communicate with others after a few minutes.

*Definitely has severe social anxiety, normal anxiety, and maybe a low-functioning autism.

*Afraid of people, maybe caused by trauma..?

*While he hates interacting with people, he loves structure and often throws himself in his work to counter his bad thoughts. Doesn’t understand work/life separation, tends to just ignore his problems until they are unavoidable.

*LOVES the ocean, he grew up on a shoreside resort with his parents who soon died after his 20th birthday (earthquake broke through their apartment in the city). He loves to go back and visit the old house and relive his happy memories when he can.