Dion Wyrmbane



7 months, 23 days ago


Dion was once the crowned Prince of a kingdom that worshipped and adored the great Wyrms. Dragon's of myth and legend who were said to protect the country, bring good luck and fortune, bring healthy harvests and fertility and all sorts of great deeds. They were nary seen by actual human eyes for many, many generations, for so long that they simply became Gods to the people, unknowable and mystical in every way, except that all changed with Dion.

Dion, the first born and oldest son one day discovered he could turn into a great Wyrm. Except all those stories about how great and benevolent Wyrms were seemed to be false. While in his dragon form, he was out of control. The beast within had a mind of its own and saught only to hurt, destroy and conquer. It had a great blood lust and would attack almost anything within sight and though Dion fought to control himself, it proved too much, especially during his first transformation. Dion ravaged the palace, killing many servants and his younger brother of 6 years. The kingdom was heart broken and horrified by what had taken place.

It was assumed by the townspeople that Dion had purposefully killed his younger brother in order to be the only heir to the throne or purely out of jealousy, and he had been cursed to turn into an evil corruption of their great gods as punishment. After all these centuries they weren't going to turn their back on their icons of worship, and so any suspicion about the nature of dragons and the founding of the kingdom were quickly squashed. All blame was to be placed on Dion, who was immediately and quietly exiled.

Having grown up in luxury in a relatively safe and prosperous kingdom, Dion is quite entitled. He is very much used to people doing what he wants, when he wants. This of course results in a lot of hard lessons to learn once he was exiled. He can be very selfish/self-centered and vain about appearances (both his own and others). He can be impatient and quick to anger, and he loves to be smug and cocky when he thinks he's better than someone (which is all the time.)
The bastard boy needs to be humbled, badly.

As a Wyrm he is mostly out of control. He doesn't lose his memory like a werewolf might, but he feels trapped in his own body with only tiny amounts of influence on his actions. The Wyrm only wishes to drink blood, cannibalize and destroy any living being around him, like an unquenchable thirst. Over time as Dion matures and humbles himself, he gradually gains more and more control over the form, discovering new powers along the way. Eventually he gains the ability to control when and where he transforms, and to what extent.