

8 months, 11 days ago


Unknown age
Sun Angel

I asked my family to help. The true gods .

T he last universe's end was chaotic. Beings of unprecedented power fought to the death in the lifeless void of space, eventually ending it - before it started over again. A remnant of that power slumbered within the star in the center of the Milky Way which gave way to all life. Countless universes formed around it, life bloomed and wilted all within a blink of an eye. However, the star couldn't stay a star forever.

An insurmountable explosion of power from the death of the star shook the universe to its core. It birthed a twosome of death and life-- a dark being that was meant to destroy the universe and a sun celestial whose purpose was to mend and save it from its eventual demise. The two went by many names, but their influence was everlasting. One day, the sun deity disappeared. This terrified the deity of darkness because of the unpredictability of it all. The sun god had something planned.

He was reborn on an Earth constant without knowledge of his life under the novel name 'Solar'. He had no memory of his past life, hidden amongst millions of mortals and immortals alike across worlds. One day, the darkness found him-- and its name was Ozul. Solar is thrust from a normal life into a world of chaos as he tries desperately to rid the world from darkness. However, his good heart makes that a strenuous task.


S olar is a kind soul, wanting the world to mend its wounds and for all species, both mortal and immortal, to get along. He has an optimistic naivety which is often taken advantage of. He prioritizes the well-being of others above all else, which is his primary weakness. Solar is a total optimist, and remains cheerful and calm in most situations, trying to tell jokes and remain cheerful to raise the spirits of others. Solar is very emotional, and his actions are primarily driven by how he feels. He cherishes relationships and is affectionate with those he is close with. On the other hand, he is extremely reckless and careless, which causes the people who surround him to be hurt. His personality is utterly chaotic, but different from Ozul's in that his chaotic face hides a caring heart underneath. He cares deeply for those he is close to, especially Primal, even though Primal doesn't always reciprocate those feelings.


optimist. pessimist.
introvert. extrovert.
daredevil. cautious.
chaotic. predictable.
logical. emotional.
messy. organized.
honest. deceiving.
leader. follower.
affectionate. stoic.
stubborn. yielding.
grounded. dreamer.
cooperative. lone wolf.
moves on. stays in the past.
race: caucasian
height: 5'4
age: appears ~ 20
birthday: May 2

— Solar is relatively lanky and short.

— He has bright, curly red-orange hair. Its colors are refracted into a dazzling array of hues under sunlight.
— His hair is messy and short. His hair curls around his ears and cheeks.

— Solar's skin is pale with a slight tan, but it may vary between versions. He has freckles all over his face, nose, ears, shoulders, and knees.

— Solar's face is dappled with orange freckles.
— Solar has warm orange blush around his cheeks and nose.
— Solar's face makes him appear young, around his mid 20's.

— Solar has bright orange eyes and long, ginger eyelashes. — His eyes can glow and mimic the sun in certain conditions (eg: using his power).

— Solar is a fan of bright and colorful clothing, especially in orange, yellow, and brown.
— Solar frequently wears button-up shirts, jackets, and t-shirts. He loves patterned and embroidered clothing.

— Solar always wears dangle sun earrings - the style of these earrings can vary. His classic earrings are simple orange sun-shaped earrings, but he also wears star earrings, sunflower earrings, sun & moon earrings, and earrings made from Primal's shorter feathers.
— Solar occasionally wears accessories like as rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. His favorite color for accessories is gold and yellow.

— Solar's voice is relatively high-pitched and cheerful, and has plenty of inflection. His voice is always clear and melodius.
— Solar's voice heightens in pitch when he's happy. When Solar is upset, his voice becomes quieter.

— Solar fidgets with strands of his hair when he's deep in thought or nervous.
— Solar tilts his head to the side when he laughs.
— In his default pose, Solar frequently stands with his hand on his hip, sometimes with one hand in his jacket pocket. If he is nervous, he will cross his arms or put both hands in his pockets.
— Solar smiles very frequently, and will default to a smile in casual conversation.

Cat Form / Pancake.
  • Pancake is an orange tabby with yellow stripes.
  • The sun marking on his chest is marked in fur rather than the skin.
  • Pancake's fur can light aflame if using its power.
  • Instead of shooting fire from its hands like Solar's human form, Pancake shoots fire and sun lazers from its mouth (most frequent), skin, and eyes.

  • drawing human form
  • drawing cat form
  • ship art w/ primal
  • drawing in new form
  • drawing w/o earrings
  • drawing w/o freckles (human ver)
alcohol/(drug use)?
mentions of religion
inhuman relationships

TL;DR: Summary.

  • Solar stumbles into the underworld without Khalfani, the guardian of the underworld gate, noticing. His presence somehow triggers a chain reaction set up by Ozul that releases several deities imprisoned in hell. Khalfani escapes with Solar because he knows the blame will land on him.
  • Khalfani travels to meet an old friend, Fang, that he believes may know the origin of Solar's power. Meanwhile, Rashida, Khalfani's twin sister, begins to track Khalfani down since he is officially a fugitive of hell.
  • During their trip, Solar meets primal and immediately falls deeply in love and becomes obsessed. Primal is not a fan of the attention, and tries to get rid of Solar. They eventually part after a lengthy meeting, but it's not the last time the two will run into each other.
  • The two of them meet Fang, who is in a predicament due to Ozul's creatures of chaos escaping. Khalfani and Solar save Fang, who tells the two that his relic and powers were stolen.
  • (way later, timeline still needs to be worked out) Solar reunites with his elder brother, Apollo.
  • It's worth noting that since Ozul is present in this story, his children may have a role in it as well - eg. Fenrylith and Cabha.
subspecies: black hole sun angel
birthplace: center of the milky way
origin: earth variant
power: immense
I could never live in the void with the other celestials... I want to be with you and the others, Primal.
Normal Boosted

Solar is an extremely powerful sun angel, a black hole variant, that was born alongside Apollo on an Earth constant. He was born and raised in a human community, where he and Apollo disguised themselves as humans due to their lack of power at an early age. The two of them didn't have parents, and lived only off of the kindness of strangers. The two were swiftly taken in by Eclipse at around age 4-5 upon Eclipse realizing the two children were sun angels. It was there that the climate of the world continued to worsen, humanity and immortals's tensions growing. Solar felt confused as to why there was so much hatred and discontent in the world, but Eclipse always changed the subject when Solar asked, reluctant to tell the harsh truth to Solar.

Solar grew an unyielding sense of hope that the world could be repaired from its broken state. Solar and Eclipse began to have arguments over this, Eclipse claiming that Solar was being far too ambitious and ridiculous, but Solar never gave in. Solar saw himself as a person, not defined by the loose terms of mortal and immortal. He sought to use his powers as a sun angel to save others, and try to repair the damage to the world that Ozul caused.

MBTI: enfp
archetype: explorer
enneatype: reformer
temperament: choleric
alignment: chaotic neutral
tarot: the sun
extra tarot
extra tarot
extra tarot
extra tarot
virtue: ?
vice: ?

Oh, you're Solar, correct? I've waited so long to finally talk to you face-to-face. Your eyes really are as dazzling as they say, like the sun...


  • Solar was originally created in May 2nd, 2022 as an improvised character for the game Frantic Fanfic with the prompt "when the drugs hit". The frantic fanfic featured Khalfani and Solar's first meeting, and Solar destroyed a bunch of ancient gods while drunk.
  • Solar morphed from a joke character into a canon story character after the "Sober Solar/A Kind Gesture" collaborative frantic fanfic on Apr 26, 2023. This story featured a more serious take on Solar's past, and his backstory developed from there.
  • Solar's cat form is named Pancake. The cat is an orange tabby with a similar sun marking on its chest to Solar's human form. In alternative versions, Pancake is Solar and Primal's pet cat.
  • Solar carries around a small notepad to write things down that he believes he might forget because of his scattered memory. It's mostly filled with heartfelt notes about Primal and weird doodles of Primal shirtless.
  • Solar's power weakens at night, and strengthens at day. The surrounding temperature, season, and climate all relate to how powerful he is.
  • Solar makes jewelry with feathers that Primal sheds. Primal insists that it's very weird that Solar does this, but that doesn't convince Solar to stop whatsoever. Solar can also track Primal down by following the feathers he sheds.
  • Solar has an elder brother named Apollo, who was improvised about a year after Solar's creation with the prompt "Solar's brother". The term "sun angel" was also created during Apollo's debut.
  • When Solar uses his power, the sky around him darkens, and his eyes widen and glow brightly.
  • Solar has a bad habit of unexpectedly exploding or setting on fire when he's surprised.
  • Solar and Primal's ship name is "Prolar".









sun angel






Character Name







void spawn






An unlikely relationship blossomed between a sun angel and a void spawn demon in an apocalyptic world. The couple have endured many struggles in their relationship and often have a hard time understanding each other, but have grown extremely close.


The two immortals met after Solar ran into Primal in the forest. Primal was very suspicious of Solar at first, but grew to admire him. Primal often helps Solar to get out of reckless situations and protect Solar from harm.

Mutual impression

Solar thinks that Primal is...


Solar: Solar loves everything about Primal. He thinks that the void demon is handsome, caring, and a wonderful partner to have in such a broken world.

Primal thinks that Solar is...


Character B: Solar has grown on Primal since the two have first met. Primal feels the need to take care of Solar because of the stupid shit Solar gets himself into. He loves the little things that Solar appreciates.

Relationship Dynamic

Introverted Extroverted
The Heart The Brain
Affection through words through actions
Overprotective Chill going
Does stupid things Calms other one
Goes into fights Uses diplomacy
Tactile Not tactile
Slow-burn Love at first sight
Closed-off Open
Makes food Burns the kitchen
Open about relationship Keeps relationship hidden
Borrows clothes Lends clothes
Was in relationship(s) Has no experience






Primey and I aren't really accepted in this world, so the two of us have to look out for each other!


Primal sees Solar's doodles

Solar: Hey, Primey, what do you think about my drawings?

Primal: Oh, they're, uh... why did you draw me shirtless riding a... velociraptor?

Solar: Oh, you know... dinosaurs are cool!

Primal: Solar, babe, I can fly.

Solar: But admit it, if there were dinosaurs in the world today you'd want to ride one.

Primal: That's... not really an urge I have.


  • Solar makes doodles of Primal in his sketchbook. These are atrociously bad and mostly drawings of Primal shirtless.
  • Primal gets overwhelmed by the emotions that Solar exudes and has to separate himself from Solar at times.
  • Solar makes jewelry out of Primal's feathers.
  • Primal secretly loves Solar's fashion sense, and loves when Solar picks out outfits for him.