


9 months, 18 days ago


Angelo is an unlucky man, but he always finds a way through. Even on that 1956 autumn night when he was bitten by a vampire. He was never meant to be turned, as vampires are  very particular in who they take as their fledgling. Hes not exactly vampire material, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or WAS HE (dun dun DUNNNNNN)

What makes his situation worse is Angelo isn’t even good at being a vampire. He hates change, and has stayed mostly the same since being bitten. Right down to the way he dresses and talks. 

he can’t stand drinking from people. The idea of biting down on skin- it’s unpleasant at best, causes him to wretch at worst. So he gets his blood elsewhere, usually his friend from the hospital.

Angelo loves cars. Always has and always will, even if modern cars have become “bullshit” in his words. Currently he drives a  70’s impala, but his real baby is in the garage: a red 50’s Cadillac. Now it doesn’t run yet, and the paint job needs a lot of work, but with enough elbow grease he’ll probably get it working. It’s been his dream car since he was a youngin, only in 20XX did he finally get his hands on one. Saved it from the junkyard at that!

There’s more Angie lore but I’m tired