


7 months, 21 days ago


Bought from Sealkitty via D.A for $35 on 10.09.2023


Sweet Matcha




As the yougest "Bunyun" (a bunny species in my world) of her big family, it was a speciality of hers to make teas. Loving the taste and style, her siblings always asking her for her special mixtures. While beeing very shy and big anxiety when in the open with many people, she tends to hide or stutter, blush and scared. This later changes with her older brother helping her slowly overcome this and helping her over the years. The moment she had the chance between studies and getting a job thanks to him. Working in the "owl night long" cafe. Alogside co workers and brothers.

After 2 months, her brother had an accident (a reason she avoids cars and fears them) and was left in her state. Wanting to be brave as she had promised, she continued to work and study. 


Works (now a lil more bravely) at the "owl night long" cafe and makes tea and serves snacks and deserts. While not much talking to customers beside the standard, she is trying her best to improve that.
While not studying, she is seeking a roommate for the new apartment she got from her brother. Things are not as easy but she will try.
At the moment a very passionate and caring girl who gives homeless food and helps others as good as she can. 

To her:

She is slowly gaining confidence day by day and struggles a bit on challenges whenever stangers try to hit up a conversation. Promised her big brother she would do her best and not be afraid. A promise she intends to improve and keep. 

Her emotions are an open book and blushes easily. Still learning the open world. 

Matcha, besides Tea, loves nature and takes care of her plants. 

Has a slight crush on the co worker Oliver who was close friends with her older brother. 

-the green hair are there since birth and some speculate she has a connection with nature
-loves vintage and partly retro things including dresses
-green eyes and natural sweetness
-loves music and usually listens to whenever she can. Indirect blocks out and gets her calmer and happy. 




-meeting The duo

since Oliver has his roomies later, meaning they visit him at work. Getting used to both was a lil struggle but with comfort and support she is slolwy adjusting. 

