
Got this lovely gal in a art-for-chara with Cheebii ]]

I'll add stuff for //her// later ]]

   Ojo [ oh-ho] is often found by herself if not with her girlfriend Naaz or working a day at the clothing shop that she co-owns with Naaz;Mirror Image Clothing. With her philophobia in full active mode she often finds herself in tizzies when it comes to people. New and or old in her life. Often times she finds herself mixing up feelings and freaking herself out. Which usually tends to end with her greatly distancing herself from said person/people. She puts the ties in anxieties as she always tying herself up with misunderstandings. Any friends she has come across as long lasting friends are normally tasked with the small yet meaningful -and sometimes exhausting- task of reminding her that she is ok. And that it's all in her head. Which is sometimes a tad worse. But given a moment to calm down -physically or mentally- she usually comes right back up.

  Yes a tad mess she may be, aside from all her worries and quirks, Ojo is quite the company. Being that she is very much into adventures. Adventures can range from anywhere to taking a mid-night stroll to playing videos or even just walking about a mall absently while chatting or whatever.

When Ojo is not doing her own things, being cooped up in her home , or any other leisure activity she finds peace in, she can be found working in a clothing shop , as mentioned before, with her girlfriend Naaz and Neph. Neph being something as a little siblings they've found, sometimes a child. Initially, Ojo make a near quick connection with Neph seeing as they seemed to share common worrisome quirks. Having found a kin in the child, Ojo would sometimes even go to Neph for advise, and vise versa. 

It was as if the universe had designed their lives to find each other, Naaz and Ojo. Having met in the same Art Institute, it was love at first awkward moment. For a good minute Ojo would attempt to hide away from Naaz. Seeing as she was not sure if she was infatuated or actually attracted to the woman. It had even gotten to the point where she had learned her schedule just so she could avoid Naaz. To her short dismay, this only caused them to run into each other more. Leading Naaz to purser her. Eventually though, Ojo said yes to one date and from there it's history.

Ojo home life was more or less normal. Given that her own family was kind of quirky themselves.  While her family would have loved to help her financially through her dream goals, she'd have none of it. Given her awkward condition, she felt it would allow and or make people feel sorry and want to help. This lead her to always wanting to do things on her own. Even if it blue up in her face half the time. Nevertheless, her family supported her emotionally as best they could.

One thing that is also probably peculiar about Ojo is that she has a companion that's sort of stuck with her. Being a Candy/Sugar skull, he had actually -in theory- been hidden in her heart gem upon her chest up until a certain age where she was strong enough to hold him about her outside the gem. It was this little guy that had told her family she was indeed going to be a peculiar person seeing as the SugarXyn were not entirely common in their area of living. Cranero would actually become a good companion to Ojo growing up. Being as quirky, the SugarXyn often found itself cheering her up. Be it, making funny faces or even singing to their extent. Sometimes Cranero even serves as a sort of conscious for Ojo too. But that's only when her self issues are acting up at it's highest and nor Naaz nor Neph are around to help her calm down.  

[[I'll add more later, I just wanted to flesh her out a bit more since I've been drawing her a lot lately]]