


9 months, 16 days ago


A blind and mute toxicsona, with a passion for ballet and ballroom dance

9.5 bananas tall





-willing to teach dance lessons

-performs almost daily


Josephina, a ballerina who became known for her stunning beauty was blessed with incredible talent. She had fans all over the globe, but unfortunately not everything that comes with fame is perfect. Her face was scarred and her senses were destroyed by a vengeful parasocial fan who had somehow bypassed security at an extremely important recital. She had acid thrown onto her face in front of her audience; her face melted, her eyes obscured, her mouth melted shut, she was humiliated yet at the same time had her audience horrified. After the incident, she was never publicly seen again, she could no longer perform. Not only because she physically could not anymore, she was kicked out because of the damage done to her face. Though obviously the concerts held drastically dropped in quality, as she was famous for her visible passion for dance and proper leadership of her troupe. She lived the rest of her days alive, miserable. She was destroyed, her life purpose was ruined, she could never go back. On her last day of life, she decided to take a breath of fresh air and go for a walk. She wandered into an unknown area, she did not care anymore for her own life. She felt no joy, that was until she felt what seemed like a butterfly brush on her cheek. A butterfly represents elegance, gracefulness, a gentle soul. She felt a warmth in her, for the first time since the accident. She continued forward, letting the flaps of the butterfly’s wings guide her as she listened close. She had thought, maybe in this moment of peace, she could end her life at that moment. In this place unknown to her, sounds echoed in a way that signaled that there is more space below. She decided to fall backward, as she did the butterfly landed on where her left eye wouldve been. Instinctively she put her hand over the butterfly, and without meaning to, took this butterfly down with her. She fell into a radioactive vat, and woke up in the toxic cesspit with the butterfly fused to her face. The butterfly she personally named “Airi”, and her now have a symbiotic relationship where they act as a sort of echolocation for her where they vibrate to signal walls, obstacles, etc. She now spends her days teaching others how to dance, relieved she’s able to enjoy the rest of her days doing what she loves