Axinta Ennoia



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Axinta Ennoia (Axe een tah  En oh ee ah)
Sign: Scorpia
Age: 7 sweeps/ 15 years
Lusus: Badger mom                            
Strife: double edged sword
Abilities: SixthSense and 4sight
Typing quirk: inserts 6 and 4 into sentences in seemingly random places, mostly. She also tends to over use 'possibly', it's synonyms and talk of future paths.

Bio: Axinta is the devoted moirail of Muliea, an air headed fashion designer for highbloods. Unfortunately, her obliviousness and violent tendencies of her clients, Muliea opens herself to a lot of possible assaults, so many that she is rarely without Axinta. Axinta often butts heads with Troith Peroth, the former moirail of a girl who's death may have been do to Axinta failing to watch the both of them. She briefly have a pitch romance with Troith, but it ended quickly, as she realized that Troith's hate had gone over-board and out of safe (ish) waters. Axinta is  very gifted fighter and her natural ability is coupled with her supernatural ones. Sixth sense is when she uses all six of her irises, focused on one thing to predict the immediate future. She doesn't have to devote much brain power toward it, as she's only looking a few seconds (at most a minute) into the current timeline.  4sight (she'll only refer to it like that in text) is her stronger predictions, using her four small irises, technically, she can't pin visions down to a single timeline and it takes a great ammount of effort on her part to use it. The farthest she has seen into the future is one sweep and it was far from fool proof. She heavily blames herself for not having better control of her powers, and although she sounds heroic, she's not, she just have a savior complex she refuses to acknowledge.