Kiu Gan Litium



9 months, 4 days ago


Kiu Gan Litium

Called Kiu Gan, Commander Litium

Gender male

Age 36

Species selbir

Masterlist #66


HTML Pinky


Commander in a patrol unit of Galatic Federation's public security sector. His unit is specialized in and responsible for the safety on the city streets and political public and closed gatherings, sent to usually deal as an unit to deal with armed and organized groups. Kiu Gan's job are disarmament and defusing highly flammable conflicts, force for him being an ultimate last resort in any situation.

Kiu Gan's demeanor seems rigid outwards, from his straight posture to the formal and very factual way of speaking. Under the dry, professional shell of a workaholic is a man with a lot of determination, empathy and tenderness. He dreams of closing gaps between the society's hierarchies and it's unbalanced structures, exposing the injustice by attempting to exinguishing the fires of fear and hatred.


Height 166cm / 5'4"

Build fit, light

Eyes Heterochromia

Skin Feathered, blue

Demeanor formal, dependable


  • Shortened feathers to extend the range of motion
  • Physically stronger than might appear, for a selbir and his size
  • Corresponds to around 36 in human years


Charm ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐
Sociability ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Intelligence ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐
Caution ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Confidence ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐
Optimism ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐
Kindness ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐
Courage ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Empathy ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐
Patience ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐

Serious but kind hearted nature, deligient. Kiu Gan's formal mannerisms and way of speaking comes to him naturally, being an indelible part of him. This personality trait of his alongside the way he holds himself, and navigates through every day life, resembles a lot of a strict organization etiquettes.

Kiu Gan is, surprisingly to many, more than his stone-faced surface usually reflects; He has exploitable soft spots for reacting to anyone's anguish, which can over run his critical thinking, thus lower his caution. He tends to be good at spotting signs of threat and danger, but perhaps is a bit naïve to the extend of cruelty some are capable of practicing.

A strong sense for justice fuels Kiu Gan's determination to keep on in his chosen path of career and lifestyle. Motivation to tackle the moral and practical dilemmas that comes with this choice is something he constantly battles with himself, the more he sees it condtradicting his ideals. Still, Kiu Gan believes his approach to be a logical and only way to reach and manipulate the power of the authority.

Just like Kiu Gan yearns for inner piece, to feel safe in a warmth of a community and among people, he wishes to grant it to any other being as well. He believes that to achieve collective harmony, one needs first to get a grasp of the sense of it from within themselves, for to be able to offer it to another. He is an encouraging companion and a leader, gentle but firm when needed. The strong determination can turn into a blindsighting flaw at times.


Strength ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐
Knowledge ■ ■ ■ ☐ ☐ ☐
Dexterity ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ☐
Scent Reading* ■ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Kiu Gan has undergone extensive military-like training and honed his swordmanship skills under the tutelage of a state-paid professionals. His physical condition is above average compared to other selbirs of similar size and build due to his hard training, but not so much when compared to extraterrestrial colleagues serving under his command. What Kiu Gan lacks in strength, he makes up in precise technique and speed.

*Mood reading - The selbir posess the ability to read other people's mood by smell. This ability extends to non-selbir.



Whether it's social, compositional, about colors, etc., he appreciates it wherever it's observable.

Early mornings

When it's still quiet and slightly breezy.


The line between work and free-time is muddled. Exercises a lot to avoid getting rusty.


There's something idyllic about reading physical books, which he prefers over audio ones.


Spicy food

Has a low tolerance for hot and strong spices.


If possible, he leaves documentation and writing reports to someone more eager or willing.

Perfumes & colognes

Makes his weak scent reading even harder to pull off. But mostly because they make him feel ill.


When they drag involunteered outsiders into their high risk actions.



Commonly referred to as a Selbir’s vice. Varying between individuals, but the core mechanics remains the same for all selbirs; Certain situations or items sends one into a mild frenzy, where their attention is entirely fixated on one thing and that one thing only. This primal side is hard to ignore and attempt to subdue it's temptation can cause psychosomatic reactions.


Achieving harmony can turn into a distracting fixation at times. At an improper time, if not having been getting his fix in awhile, this can manifest itself by Kiu Gan aligning things and organizing things, aiming for symmetry, patterns and harmonious rhythm, over other more pressuring matters.

Floating smoke

Observing and interacting with a lingering, slowly floating smoke, such as the burning of incenses and cigarettes produce. He can't stand strong odors that's usually associated to them, however. A highly pigmented liquid mixing into a water, for example, can have a similar effect.


Very particular about his soups.



Born into a regular selbir family at a modern city of N'Vesenka. Full of opportunities for those blessed by asupicious stars, and whom happens to wear feathers as their birthsuit. While Kiu Gan fits the last category, he was born with an underdeveloped tail, which made him stand out in the line of his family's male selbir members in non-favorable way. A very noticable speaking pattern, usually associated to selbir younglings, seemed to remain in Kiu Gan, too, which made him even bigger oddbird at the family gatherings.

But Kiu Gan refused to be othered - the reasons for social isolation and criticism towards his traits seemed illogical to him. He saw no rational reason to be kept as some sort of shamed family secret. Nor did he agree to the plans of being blend into the society by avoiding traditional roles reserved for individuals with more traditional demeanor. His moderate rebellion had been only a headache for his inner family circle mostly, till Kiu Gan decided to diverge from the social norms on even bigger scale with his career path choice.

The Galactic Federation's Security Unit

Kiu Gan joined the Galactic Federation's service. But instead of organizing data or being an assitant of some sort, he wanted to become an officer in a security sector. More specifically, to patrol alongside the unit's regular members, consisting of rugged wurthans and patoos with authorative aura with their figures and gear. Not a first choice for any selbir who were keen to keep their bones unbroken and preference of avoiding anything related to sweat breaking activities and high risk factors. Knowing fully well that there would be a challenge to fulfill even the minimal requirements of passing the physical tests, Kiu Gan pushed through, but not without some exceptions made on his case. Kiu Gan was displeased by the gap between him and the regular unit members, as they were at the selbir's special treatment. Eventually through relentless effort to keep up with others while honing skills to master his own combat speciality, transparency about his personal motives, with time, and putting words into action, Kiu Gan managed to win over his colleagues.

With mostly mutual respect, their unit became known as something else than any other, ruffling some feathers with their approach to interpret and execute protocols. Kiu Gan's undisguised symphathy towards people in a more unfortunate position in the system didn't get a warm welcome from the higher up. Justifying his methods by directly quoting the laws and decrees, Kiu Gan was hitting nerves all around him, while tying up the hands of those who had benefit from the corruption.

While the selbir was possibly making dangerous enemies, his unit became a thight-knit little family to him, gaining him his first friends. With a patient and skillful swordmanship master and his collegues, Kiu Gan felt like he had found a world he belonged to.

Current Day

As a commander of the security unit, Kiu Gan continues to stir up the pot and putting himself on the line of fire from higher steps of the authorative ladder and by protecting civilians despite their view of him, his profession or Gal'Fed. He firmly believes in importance of building trust with time and deeds, and patience and sympathy being keys for change. His actions and politics do not align completely with pretty much any parties on any side of the law. But he has recently been favored by some street hooligans and criminals, them preferring Kiu Gan's patrol unit crashing the parties rather than their more eager colleagues of law enforcers.

For his own unit, Kiu Gan makes sure they have everything they need to stay well and perform well, minimizing harm. Slowly his group has been able to dig out hints of personality from underneath the dry shell and enjoying every little milestone while doing so. The unit's captain and Kiu Gan's right hand man is especially to be thanked for this achievement.

Kiu Gan's approach to tackling societal issues by joining into one of the authoritative powers' executors is seen counterproductive by some, and for some he is just as bad, if even worse, than anyone he's standing up against.





Sanzera Gonvan


A selbir who joined to the same field security section as Kiu Gan, inspired directly by him. However, after some time Sanzera had to admit to himself for not being suitable for the work. He continues to work on learning swordmanship skills on his free-time, Kiu Gan approving to teach him whenever they find time. Nowadays Kiu Gan runs into him once in a while at the Gal'Fed's offices, where he serves as an financial analyst. Sanzera tries to wheel and deal with the higher ups when Kiu Gan wishes to make acquisitions for his patrol unit.


Rava Rix


To be added...