
8 months, 23 days ago



Chanel - Runway Beauty

Rarity: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Weapon: Polearm

Vision: Pyro

Model Type: Tall Female

Birthday: October 1st

Constellation: Contra Speculum

Region: Fontaine

Affiliation(s): Chioriya Boutique, Flamingo Cosmetics 

Special Dish: Eclaire

How to obtain: Event Wish Invocation -

Hello: “I’ll make the introduction quick. My name is Chanel, I’m a model at Chioriya boutique and also Co-Owner of Flamingo cosmetics. Now go away I’m busy.”




When the wind is blowing:

When it snows: 

When the sun is out: “Someone fetch me my parasol. I need shade.”

When it rains:

Good morning:

Good afternoon:

Good evening:

Good night:

About Chanel- Shoes: “One of my many talents is that I can run in any type of heel in any type of weather. This was achieved from years of experience, I almost never wear flat shoes because of it.”

About Chanel 2:

About Chanel 3:

About us:

About the vision: “Oh…that…I have some unfortunate memories I’ve had with it. My father wanted to me to sell it as soon as he found out I hade one. This thing is worth way more than a bunch of mora.”

Something to share:

Interesting things:

About Dehya: “One of my agents hired her as a bodyguard for me a few times when I visiting Sumeru for a photoshoot. I honestly wasn’t expecting someone so…intriguing to keep me company while in the desert. After the few times I got to know her I did offer a job at the modeling agency at Chiyori Boutique, though it was unfortunate that she had to decline.”

About Chiyori:

About Ningguang:

About Kaeya:

More about 1:

More about 2:

More about 3:

More about 4:

More about 5:


Hobbies: “Believe or not I do enjoy golfing from time to time. When I’m not busy I usually try to practice my swing, though I must admit that my first time trying to tee off I accidentally broke a window of my estate’s dining hall.”

Favourite Food: “I’ve always enjoyed the sweet filling of an eclair. Though unfortunately I can only have them once in awhile to keep my physique.”

Least Favourite food: “I hate greasy food with a passion. Not only are they bad for our heart but they also make a terrible mess when you eat them! There is nothing I hate more than the feeling of grease and crumbs on my fingers.”

Receiving a gift 1: “What is this exactly? It doesn’t go with my outfit, put it back.”

Receiving a gift 2: “A gift? You should’ve have. Really. You shouldn’t have.”

Receiving a gift 3: “A pleasant surprise…you actually listened to what I had to say…I’m impressed I must say.”

Birthday: “Ahem…since today is your birthday I suppose I am obligated to be nice to you. Alright, our spa treatment awaits us! Hm? What do you mean it sounds too expensive?”

Feelings About Ascension- Intro:

Feelings About Ascension- Building up:

Feelings About Ascension- Climax:

Elemental Skill:

Elemental Burst: “Mirror Mirror!”

Sprint Start:

Sprint End:

Displaying Wind gilder:

Opening treasure chest 1: “Eh…I have toothbrushes that are worth more than these.”

Opening treasure chest 2: “Hmph I guess this will do.”

Opening treasure chest 3: “It’s a chest full of…junk? Not very impressive if you ask me.”

Low HP:

Ally Low HP:


Light hit taken:

Heavy hit taken:

Joining the party: