Adalyn Becker's Comments

Munchkit traits:

Food: Avocado (uc)

Tail(s): 1 Fox Tail (c)

Ears: Fennec ears (c)

Eyes: Circle Pupils (c)

Horns: Small Simple Horns (c)

Halo Amount/Placement: 1 Halo, Tail Placement (c)

Mutation: Pawed feet


I would love to offer some art possibly? My most recent examples are here!

I'm pretty flexible so just lmk what you might be looking for/ interested in🫶

Also you can take a look at some of my myos if you'd like! Myo folder! Just a little more tent on these :]

Oooo I'm really interested in the revelrie slot, would you be able to trade that? 👀

Sure! I’ve been meaning to trade it forever so I’m down! :>

Lmk when I should transfer the myo and the masterlist trading :)

I'm online rn so I'll transfer her to you! ^^

Alright I’m waiting for the confirmed t master list change, accidentally got super excited and accidentally accepted I’m so sorry 😭

No worries, I was getting a bit suspicious but do let me know when they accept it!!

3 Replies